Title: Shaping the Future. Business Design Through Information Technology
Abstract:This Wiley Series is already notable for a number of very interesting texts.This is another well produced, detailed volume, though one can question why in a 1991 publication, in an area as fast moving...This Wiley Series is already notable for a number of very interesting texts.This is another well produced, detailed volume, though one can question why in a 1991 publication, in an area as fast moving and voluminously written about as information systems, except in the section on telework, it is difficult to find a reference after 1987.The book is organized into four sections.The first covers fundamental issues, including the organizational scan and scope of DIS, the nature of office technology, and the integration of business systems, the strategic use of DIS and the likely impacts of DIS.Much of this is well-trodden ground but is clearly discussed, with interesting case examples.Part Two covers operational issues in OIS, namely planning and needs analysis for OIS, an.d implementing and evaluating OIS.The needs analysis section provides the more original material here, but the section on evaluation comes in at just over two pages and is far too brief to be helpful.Part Three lo.oks at using computers to monitor performance, flexible work and OIS, and end-user computing.A managerial perspective is assumed throughout, and key management questions are usefully highlighted.Part Four looks at OIS and the future, with the authors suggesting that IS needs to be much more focussed on organizational processes and required organizational goals.OIS applied without a clear understanding of the business 'is a recipe for disaster'.The authors provide an informative introduction to the practitioners and students they address, and on a few subjects they provide something more than that.Read More