Title: O uso contemporâneo da favela na cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Abstract:This thesis presents as object of study the favelas in Rio de Janeiro with the main objective of analyzing changes in its use over the last decade.This fact highlights the issue of the image of favela...This thesis presents as object of study the favelas in Rio de Janeiro with the main objective of analyzing changes in its use over the last decade.This fact highlights the issue of the image of favelas marketing and also the marketing of their space in the center of the urban debate, according to the city marketing ideology.The most emblematic representation of this process is the tours practiced in some favelas, along with the cultural and entertainment uses, both for tourists as well as residents of other areas of the city, featuring the favelas as cultural products.These areas are currently living a process of recovery, reflected in its spaces, its urban restructuring and internal real estate valuation and its surroundings.The change in the outlook on these areas and especially its new role in the urban structure of Rio de Janeiro, do not mitigate the mains problems of the favelas, among them, the socioeconomics issues, the quality of housing and neither indicates the eradication of urban poverty in the city.The objective is to investigate these evidences to build a documentation that has as contribution the description of spatial transformations of some of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro and of the changes that these transformations may provide in understanding of urban dynamics of the city by society, and at the same time, in the role of the favela in urban structure.What is observed is that these new functions are merely not an isolated fact of urban poverty exploration, but they serve a city ideology imposed by governments and housing market, and would also be a consequence of the current stage of consolidation of the favelas in their timeline.Read More