Title: Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections
Abstract:Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection 162 this factor enhances virus transmission.It has been described in earlier studies that transmission of RSV is inversely related to temperature in cooler ...Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection 162 this factor enhances virus transmission.It has been described in earlier studies that transmission of RSV is inversely related to temperature in cooler climates and this may be a result of increased stability of the virus in the secretions during the colder climate.Inactivation of RSV in air has been described (Rechsteiner & Winkler, 1969); stable aerosols of RSV were prepared and kept at different relative humidity.Virus recoveries were highest at high relative humidity and the stability of the aerosol was maximal at 60% relative humidity.This indicates that humidity indeed plays an important role and may affect transmission of the virus.Read More