Title: An implementation of a medium resolution minefield model in the Joint Conflict Model
Abstract:An implementation of a new, flexible, and realistic representation of conventional minefields in the Joint Conflict Model (JCM) is presented. The model includes important aspects of minefield effects ...An implementation of a new, flexible, and realistic representation of conventional minefields in the Joint Conflict Model (JCM) is presented. The model includes important aspects of minefield effects on battlefield entities and of breaching devices on minefields. The model is designed at ``medium resolution,`` that is, it is general enough to depict a wide variety of tactical situations accurately; however, it only represents tactically significant aspects of mine warfare, discarding or aggregating details, thus minimizing computer memory and speed requirements. This paper describes the model in detail, its implementation in the JCM simulation code, and its use in a preliminary analysis effort related to the effect of delay on the tactical battlefield.Read More