Title: O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e a ordem internacional: admissibilidade de medidas de urgência nos litígios comerciais internacionais
Abstract:This study analyses the harmonization of the Brazilian legal system with the current reality of a globalized international order.Focus is given to the resolution of international commercial litigation...This study analyses the harmonization of the Brazilian legal system with the current reality of a globalized international order.Focus is given to the resolution of international commercial litigation.The thesis established is that there is a disharmony between Brazil's participation in international commerce and the methods available within Brazil to resolve efficiently the disputes arising out of such commercial relations.To verify this hypothesis, this paper analyses the admissibility and enforceability in Brazilian Courts of provisional measures issued by other courts and arbitral tribunals.The enforcement of provisional measures is usually requested by "rogatory letters" or "letters of request".The importance of international judicial cooperation and the tentative to harmonize the norms of civil procedure in the multilateral sphere, especially with respect to provisional measures, are addressed to demonstrate the necessity of cooperation between the judicial organs of each State in order to achieve a fair and efficient result in international litigation.Only such cooperation will establish the requisite level of legal certainty necessary to facilitate the participation of Brazilian parties in the international commercial arena.Read More