Title: Tikashi Fukushima: um sonho em quatro estações: estudo sobre o Ma no processo de criação do artista nipo-brasileiro
Abstract:Tikashi Fukushima, a dream in four seasons -Study of Ma in the creative process of this Nipo-Brazilian artist, presents the life and work of the painter Tikashi Fukushima (Fukushima, Japan, 1920 -São ...Tikashi Fukushima, a dream in four seasons -Study of Ma in the creative process of this Nipo-Brazilian artist, presents the life and work of the painter Tikashi Fukushima (Fukushima, Japan, 1920 -São Paulo, Brazil, 2001).This dissertation proposes to investigate the influence of Japanese art and thought on the trajectory of the artist in Brazil according to the Ma principle -a cultural element that emerged as a word in the twelfth century -, part of Japanese life and everyday activities.Ma is correlated to the Kû of Buddhism that means empty.However, an emptiness loaded with possibilities.In this study we considered that this phenomenon may be one of the characteristics that sets apart the abstract work of Tikashi Fukushima in Brazilian art.In the crossing of Brazilian seas by the Japanese culture, one of the possible answers of the West about the issue of Ma that this dissertation intends to present, is analyzed by studying the essence of the French philosopher Maurice Mearleau-Ponty.Read More