Title: Extending the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum to nonfederal lands in the Northeast: an implementation guide
Abstract:The Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) is one of the most powerful recreation inventory tools ever devised. Originally formulated in the late 1970?s for use on public lands in the Western United St...The Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) is one of the most powerful recreation inventory tools ever devised. Originally formulated in the late 1970?s for use on public lands in the Western United States, the ROS was quickly adopted by federal land-management agencies. However, its application to public lands in the east proved problematic, as did its extension to state lands, which often can be smaller and closer to cities. Additionally, during the 25 years since its development there have been major changes in technology for both recreation users and managers. We report results of an effort by the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, to adapt the ROS for use on public lands managed by state governments, regional authorities, and nongovernmental organizations, particularly in New England. The ROS tables have been updated but the basic content of the spectrum remains the same. This guide outlines the steps involved in its application.Read More