Title: Chaotic dynamics of the Hunt model, an artificially constructed flow system with a hyperbolic attractor
Abstract:We study numerically chaotic behavior associated with a hyperbolic strange attractor of Plykin type in the model of Hunt, an artificially constructed dynamical system with continuous time. There are p...We study numerically chaotic behavior associated with a hyperbolic strange attractor of Plykin type in the model of Hunt, an artificially constructed dynamical system with continuous time. There are presented portraits of the attractor, plots of realizations for chaotic signal generated by the system, illustrations of the sensitive dependence on initial conditions for the trajectories on the attractor. Quantitative characteristics of the attractor are estimated, including the Lyapunov exponents and the attractor dimension. We discuss symbolic dynamics on the attractor, find out and analyze some unstable periodic orbit belonging to the attractor.Read More