Title: Disappearance of ensemble-averaged Josephson current in dirty superconductor-normal-superconductor junctions of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:math>-wave superconductors
Abstract:We discuss the Josephson current in superconductor / dirty normal conductor / superconductor junctions, where the superconductors have $d_{x^2-y^2}$ pairing symmetry. The low-temperature behavior of t...We discuss the Josephson current in superconductor / dirty normal conductor / superconductor junctions, where the superconductors have $d_{x^2-y^2}$ pairing symmetry. The low-temperature behavior of the Josephson current depends on the orientation angle between the crystalline axis and the normal of the junction interface. We show that the ensemble-averaged Josephson current vanishes when the orientation angle is $\pi/4$ and the normal conductor is in the diffusive transport regime. The $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave pairing symmetry is responsible for this fact.Read More