Title: Gonadosomatic index-based size at first sexual maturity and fecundity indices of the Indian River shad Gudusia chapra (Clupeidae) in the Ganges River (NW Bangladesh)
Abstract:The present study aims to estimate the size at first sexual maturity and fecundity for female Gudusia chapra from the lower Ganges River, northwestern Bangladesh. A total of 250 female specimens, 3.60...The present study aims to estimate the size at first sexual maturity and fecundity for female Gudusia chapra from the lower Ganges River, northwestern Bangladesh. A total of 250 female specimens, 3.60–13.70 cm in standard length (SL) and 1.00–43.60 g in body weight (BW), were collected during March–August 2006. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) for females was calculated by the equation, GSI (%) = (GW/BW) × 100. The size at first sexual maturity of females was estimated by the relationship between their gonadosomatic index and standard length. The specimen larger (≥8.00 cm in SL) than first size at sexual maturity was used for the estimation of fecundity. The size at first sexual maturity for female G. chapra was considered to be 8.00 cm SL in the Ganges River. The mean total fecundity was 20200 ± 6500 and ranged from 10800 to 36200. This study should be useful for fisheries biologists/managers to impose adequate regulations for sustainable-fishery management in the Ganges River and elsewhere in Bangladesh.Read More