Title: Photoreactivation of Pseudomonas cepacia after ultraviolet exposure: a potential source of contamination in ultraviolet-treated waters
Abstract:Cells of a naturally occurring strain of Pseudomonas cepacia grown in distilled water were exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Irradiated samples incubated on membrane filters or in fluid recovery media...Cells of a naturally occurring strain of Pseudomonas cepacia grown in distilled water were exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Irradiated samples incubated on membrane filters or in fluid recovery media in the absence of light showed no evidence of dark repair mechanisms. When samples were exposed to fluorescent light ranging from 50 to 950 foot candles (538 to 10,222 lux) of illumination, apparent photo-induced repair of ultraviolet injury resulted in 1- to 4-log increases in viable cells recovered.Read More