Title: The Efficiency of the WWTP Zalau for the Parameters Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and
Abstract:The Wastewater Treatment Plant of Zalau, Salaj county, Romania was designed to treat approximately 18.425 m³ wastewater per day, and in order to follow the discharge parameters for the chemical oxygen...The Wastewater Treatment Plant of Zalau, Salaj county, Romania was designed to treat approximately 18.425 m³ wastewater per day, and in order to follow the discharge parameters for the chemical oxygen demand indicators (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD) and suspension solids (SS), the aeration basins have been conceived to function as a unit on nitrification and denitrification. The concentration of the dissolved oxygen is being maintained at the level of 1 mg/l, on the aeration basin, so as to prevent the growth of autotrophic bacteria and nitrification process. Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant has been designed for a population equivalent of 50.500 people and the aim of the project is to enlarge treatment plant capacity to 90.900 population equivalent and reach the maximum effluent quality. The Wastewater Treatment Plant, is built only for the nitrification process, reduces the nitrogenous chemical compounds but not the phosphor – nitrogen compounds. The exclusive use of nitrification process in the WWTP leads to an overloading of the stream waters with manure.Read More