Title: Michael Poole, The Origins of Economic Democracy: Profit Sharing and Employee-Shareholding Schemes and Michael Poole and Glenville Jenkins, The Impact of Economic Democracy: Profit Sharing and Employee Shareholding Schemes
Abstract:Michael Poole, The Origins of Economic Democracy: Profit Sharing and Employee-Shareholding Schemes and Michael Poole and Glenville Jenkins, The Impact of Economic Democracy: Profit Sharing and Employe...Michael Poole, The Origins of Economic Democracy: Profit Sharing and Employee-Shareholding Schemes and Michael Poole and Glenville Jenkins, The Impact of Economic Democracy: Profit Sharing and Employee Shareholding Schemes. Un article de la revue Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations (Volume 46, numéro 4, 1991, p. 703-915) diffusée par la plateforme Érudit.Read More