Title: Determination of Aircraft Sonic Boom Noise Penetration into Seas, Bays, and Lakes for Environmental Assessment
Abstract:Sonic boom noise from overwater supersonic aircraft operations penetrates into the water.The present work developed an algorithm to simulate this penetrating sonic boom noise for realistically shaped ...Sonic boom noise from overwater supersonic aircraft operations penetrates into the water.The present work developed an algorithm to simulate this penetrating sonic boom noise for realistically shaped sonic booms, predictions previously unavailable.The new algorithm assumes that the water surface is fairly flat and that the water is deep enough so that bottom reflections can be ignored.The algorithm was used to model the underwater sonic boom noise for the cases of incident sonic boom waves distorted by atmospheric effects and by common aircraft maneuvers.It was found that certain aircraft maneuvers and atmospheric effects can increase the penetration of the sonic boom noise, while others decrease it.Read More
Title: $Determination of Aircraft Sonic Boom Noise Penetration into Seas, Bays, and Lakes for Environmental Assessment
Abstract: Sonic boom noise from overwater supersonic aircraft operations penetrates into the water.The present work developed an algorithm to simulate this penetrating sonic boom noise for realistically shaped sonic booms, predictions previously unavailable.The new algorithm assumes that the water surface is fairly flat and that the water is deep enough so that bottom reflections can be ignored.The algorithm was used to model the underwater sonic boom noise for the cases of incident sonic boom waves distorted by atmospheric effects and by common aircraft maneuvers.It was found that certain aircraft maneuvers and atmospheric effects can increase the penetration of the sonic boom noise, while others decrease it.