Abstract:Recent social and cultural trends appear to reflect some apprehension about the long-term implications of current economic and political trends.There has been a decline in Hong Kong's expatriate ("ex-...Recent social and cultural trends appear to reflect some apprehension about the long-term implications of current economic and political trends.There has been a decline in Hong Kong's expatriate ("ex-pat") community, including U.S. nationals.Also, there is a perception that Hong Kong's "middle class" is disappearing.Underlying many of these social and cultural trends is a redefinition of Hong Kong by its residents, indicating a closer identification with China.At present, few of these long-term trends have had a significant effect on Hong Kong's political or economic situation and its relations with the United States.Under the U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-383), the United States treats Hong Kong as a separate entity in a variety of political and economic areas so long as the HKSAR remains "sufficiently autonomous" from China.While Hong Kong government continues to fulfill its obligations to the United States under existing bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements, there are still some minor issues that might warrant action by Congress.This report will be revised as circumstances warrant.Read More