Title: Calliergon richardsonii (Mitt.) Kindb. new for the Pyrenees (France)
Abstract:Calliergon richardsonii (Mitt.) Kindb. is a moss species new for the Pyrenees. It is recorded from the Pyrénées-Orientales (France). Its ecological requirements and the new locality are briefly descri...Calliergon richardsonii (Mitt.) Kindb. is a moss species new for the Pyrenees. It is recorded from the Pyrénées-Orientales (France). Its ecological requirements and the new locality are briefly described. Calliergon richardsonii (Mitt.) Kindb. es nuevo para los Pirineos y se cita de los Pirineos Orientales (Francia). Se describen brevemente sus apetencias ecológicas y la nueva localidad.Read More
Title: $Calliergon richardsonii (Mitt.) Kindb. new for the Pyrenees (France)
Abstract: Calliergon richardsonii (Mitt.) Kindb. is a moss species new for the Pyrenees. It is recorded from the Pyrénées-Orientales (France). Its ecological requirements and the new locality are briefly described. Calliergon richardsonii (Mitt.) Kindb. es nuevo para los Pirineos y se cita de los Pirineos Orientales (Francia). Se describen brevemente sus apetencias ecológicas y la nueva localidad.