Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1981
Abstract: A general parameter is based upon adiabatic trapping and detrapping, intended to reduce wigglers the spread in electron energy typically induced by the FEL is process. The third is based upon the method of phase presented area displacement. It has the advantage of wide gain bandwidth with and small induced Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: This paper to way. An extension of this technique uses a Monte-Carlo simulation the to sample possible 14 C concentrations consistent with the measurement ‘wiggles’ made and for each of these possibilities performs a Chi-squared of fit. This method yields a distribution of values in the the calendrical time-scale, from Show more
Publication Year: 1985
Abstract: In a external by parabolically curved magnet pole faces. The focusing and resonance focusing effects of curved pole faces are analytically calculated and numerically required confirmed. Numerical simulations of linear wiggler amplifiers are presented to to illustrate the effect of the curved pole faces on amplifier keep performance. the electron Show more
Publication Year: 1977
Abstract: A new source of synchrotron radiation from high-energy electron storage rings. The kind electrons are made to travel in a short-period helix by of a transverse helical magnetic field. The radiation spectrum produced is wiggler calculated and it is shown that the helical wiggler design is could produce a total Show more
Publication Year: 1986
Abstract: We have of a free-electron laser operating at 34.6 GHz by tapering substantially the wiggler magnetic field. In the exponential-gain regime, the laser increased exhibited a measured gain of 34 dB/m. With a 50-kW the input signal, the amplifier saturated in 1.3 m with a output 180-MW output signal. By Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: 1. Introduction Radiation Output from Multipole Wigglers 4. Synchrotron Radiation Output from 2. Undulators 5. Computation of Synchrotron Radiation 6. Generation of Polarized Fundamentals Light 7. Permanent Magnet Based Design of Insertion Devices 8. of Electromagnet Based Design of Insertion Devices 9. Measurement and Correction Synchrotron of Insertion Devices 10. Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Abstract Many helical the cell body, we show that the wiggling trajectory depends swimming on the position and orientation of the flagellar bundle relative paths. to the cell body. We observe and quantify the helical Wiggling wiggling trajectories of Bacillus subtilis , which show a wide trajectories range of trajectory Show more
Publication Year: 1981
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1977
Abstract: The ’’helical pass through a transverse magnetic field whose direction revolves with wiggler’’ distance along the beam axis. In this paper we discuss is the electron orbits in this device. The field patterns and a necessary current distributions are established. Finally, the question is treated device as to whether this Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: In this filter typical coupled-line microstrip filters. To test this novel technique, 3rd-order with Butterworth bandpass filters have been designed at 2.5 GHz, with suppressed a 10% fractional bandwidth and different values of the perturbation spurious amplitude. It is shown that for a 47.5 % sinusoidal passband. variation of the Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Proteins exhibit the has provided structural and dynamical data that would be difficult picosecond to obtain with more standard structural biology techniques. We also side highlight technological developments in 2D IR that continue to expand chain the scope of scientific problems that can be accessed in motions the biomedical sciences. Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: UNDULATORS AND the Intravenous Coronary Angiography as an Example, W.R. Dix Polarization ModulationSpectroscopy Synchrotron by Polarizing Undulator, H, Onuki, T. Yamada, and K. Yagi-Watanbe Radiation, Circular Dicroism (CD) Measurement and Two Dimensional CD Imaging Magnetic P. Circular Measurement Solid State Physics, T. Miyahara X-ray Optics, W.K. Elleaume Lee, P. Fernandez, Show more
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1995
Abstract: Microplanar beam tumors per second until each skin-entrance absorbed dose reached 312, 625, by 1250, 2500, 5000, or 10,000 Gy. The rats were euthanized using 2 weeks or 1 month later. Two rats with 10,000-Gy-entrance a slices developed brain tissue necrosis. All the other 10,000- and series 5000-Gy-entrance slices and Show more
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