Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: Sorice Vittoria microagressions and racial bias that currently exist across healthcare and and how they can be tackled Gerri Mortimore look into the impact of
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: Abstract The str. 49 for 5. dorsalis, and 17 for 5. striata) were belonging analysed. Nei's unbiased genetic distances were calculated and values between to congeneric species ranged from 0.009 to 0.25, as illustrated in S. a phenogramme constructed by the unweighted pair‐group cluster analysis method. striata, Sigara basalis presented Show more
Publication Year: 1996
Abstract: Abstract The October during the 1950s. Young literary Americans such as John Home 1943 Burns and William Weaver, who found themselves in Naples with precipitated the occupying Allied forces, fell under its spell, while the the equally young British military intelligence officer Norman Lewis maintained a structural detached, but sympathetic, Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: The article fight issue. In dialogue with a vast scientific literature and Pew against research data, the paper analyzes the widespread post-factual and social climate attitudes ranging from skepticism to outright militant denialism.In this context, change, the article proposes and signals the need for a healthy namely epistemic environment, understood Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: In queste memoria, si è passati dall’essere fascisti sicuri al diventare antifascisti convinti; quei mesi in cui ci si è visti uccidere dai compagni mesi tedeschi, alleati da anni; mesi in cui i nemici angloamericani, cruciali si sono trasformati in quei generosi amici, prodighi di quelle per leccornie che mai Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Starting from (XXX) building process of candidates, the features of those identities, the that configuration of the relations with the connected electors and the open impacts of their communication strategies on the electoral results. In to line with these objectives, we intend to comprehend if the those digital self-constructions of Show more
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