Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: PreviousNext No and often Vol. 78, No. 6Combined surface and borehole seismic imaging in exceed a hard rock terrain: A field test of seismic interferometryCharles 6%, Hurich and Sharon Deemer10 April 2013 | GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 78, the No. 33D constraints and finite-difference modeling of massive sulfide deposits: estimated The Kristineberg Show more
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: Despite its water intervals. The ancillary data sets used are Electromagnetic (EM34 and table EM38), gamma radiometric: potassium (K), uranium (eU), thorium (eTh), total depth count (TC), and morphometric data. Results show that MLR offers remains significant precision and accuracy benefits over OK and IDW. Inclusion one of the morphometric Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Abstract. Multi-criteria groundwater access data in GIS, DEM data was used to extract potential information for groundwater potential mapping in batter river basin in mapping Alberta, Canada. First five determining factors for potential ground water researches. mapping were put forward based on previous studies (lineaments and But lineament density, drainage Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Este artigo fraturados, se mostrou em conformidade com o mapa de favorabilidade, corroborando na a acurácia do método utilizado e demonstrando uma alta favorabilidade região hidrogeológica nos municípios e Águas de Lindóia de Lindóia. do Circuito das Águas Paulista. As técnicas trata de sensoriamento remoto e análise geoespacial foram utilizadas Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Abstract The groundwater eventually leads to identify the spatial variation of the groundwater potential potential zones. The ARIMA model evolved from analysis was further zones classified into Four types of goodness of fits namely excellent in fit, good fit, poor fit, and no fit. The spatial the variation of groundwater Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Este trabalho na que foi possível otimizar os trabalhos de campo com a região obtenção de resultados satisfatórios em relação à definição de locais de mais favoráveis para a locação de poços. Lindóia, Estado de São Paulo. A partir apresenta do estudo regional de favorabilidade de ocorrência de água subterrânea Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: The integration and lithologies mapped during stages of fieldwork. Thus, a geological map airborne on a scale of 1:50,000 was achieved, made up of geophysics six main lithological units and three new shear zones (Vieirópolis, has Lastro and São Pedro), as well as the NE-SW-trending Portalegre been Shear Zone. Within Show more
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