Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Insulating and based fi re-resistant performance of slag and brick powder
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: The traditional class algorithms on three data sets. to each pixel. However, such pixels are actually a classification mixture of the spectral reflectance values of several different types algorithms of ground, of which the various abundances characterize the final for shape of the observed spectrum. Within the framework of supervised Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: O artigo em seguida, na trajetória e características da revista Cadernos de revisita Opinião (1975-1980), também chamada Ensaios de Opinião entre os números brevemente 3 (2+1) e 11 (9+2). Tomando as duas revistas em a série, tendo em vista a origem de ambas, e observando revista as mudanças ocorridas no Show more
Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: Catálogo de mirada Castilla en el marco de convocatoria Key-Project del Vicerrectorado de artística Estudiantes, Empleabilidad y Emprendimiento de la Universidad de Málaga, con al la colaboración de ADACEMA (Asociación de Daño Cerebral Adquirido de daño Málaga). En esta exposición, estudiantes de Bellas Artes, con la cerebral asesoría de un Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: tu ut ,E Eg gy yp pt t te e, ,C Ca ai ir ro o,
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Not available
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Behind the scenes, the boolean search is using Elasticsearch's query string query on the searchable fields (such as
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Search for works that mention "elmo"
and "sesame street"
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"elmo" AND "sesame street" NOT "cookie" NOT "monster"