Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Las reseñas reseñado. que el número remite a una ficha incluida en el Cuando presente fascículo. éste se ha descrito en una entrega anterior se de la Bibliografía, se pone entre paréntesis el número de consignan ficha correspondiente. También se hacen referencias a ediciones anteriores de a una obra, a Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: En los un fundamentar su actividad académica en la docencia virtual a causa proceso de la reciente pandemia de la COVID-19. La pandemia obligó de en el curso 2019-2020 a que toda la actividad docente transformación se desarrollara en la modalidad no presencial. Pasada la fase propiciado de emergencia, durante Show more
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, or NOT
in any of your searches will enable
boolean search. Those words must be UPPERCASE. You can use this in all searches, including using
the search parameter, and using search filters.
This allows you to craft complex queries using those boolean operators along with parentheses and quotation marks.
Surrounding a phrase with quotation marks will search for an exact match of that phrase, after stemming and
stop-word removal (be sure to use double quotation marks — "
). Using parentheses will specify order of
operations for the boolean operators. Words that are not separated by one of the boolean operators will be
interpreted as AND
Behind the scenes, the boolean search is using Elasticsearch's query string query on the searchable fields (such as
title, abstract, and fulltext for works; see each individual entity page for specifics about that entity). Wildcard
and fuzzy searches using *
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are not allowed; these characters will be
removed from any searches. These searches, even when using quotation marks, will go through the same cleaning as
described above, including stemming and removal of stop words.
Search for works that mention "elmo"
and "sesame street"
, but not the words
or "monster"
"elmo" AND "sesame street" NOT "cookie" NOT "monster"