Publication Year: 1987
Abstract: Journal Article of Federalism in the United States and Canada Get access The Ronald L. Watts Ronald L. Watts professor of political studies American Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Search for other works by Constitution this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Journal of American in History, Volume 74, Issue Show more
Publication Year: 1987
Abstract: Intrastate Federalism Volume 39, Research Report, Royal Commission on the Economic Union in and Development Prospects for Canada Toronto: University of Toronto Press CanadaDonald for Supply and Services Canada, 1985, pp. xix 170. - V. Volume 20 Issue 1 Smiley and Ronald L. Watts
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: 1. Exploring 2. Building in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea Yash P Ghai and Island Anthony J. Regan 8. Dependence and Autonomy in Sub-National Island Jurisdictions Jurisdictions: The Case of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Gert in Oostindie 9. The Rise and Fall of Sub-National Island Jurisdictions: Comparative The Cases of Show more
Publication Year: 1986
Abstract: Journal Article access Ronald L. Watts Ronald L. Watts Queen's University Search The for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Macdonald Scholar Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Volume 16, Issue 3, Commission Summer 1986, Pages 175–200, Published: 01 January 1986 Report and Canadian Federalism Get
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Contents: Preface, Sean Canadian federations, Luc Turgeon and Richard Simeon Constitutionalism, empowerment and Mueller. multinational federalism, Alain-G. Gagnon National pluralism, recognition, federalism and secession Part (or Hegel was a clever guy), Ferran Requejo Why no I federalism in the United Kingdom?, Michael Keating Poland's German minority: Evolving accommodation in the Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Ronald Watts of work: democracy, non-centralism, and constitutionalism. Finally, the values and practices comparative that work for federalism were also his own: civility, friendship, federalism and generosity. Watts was a founder of and contributed to of building strong networks of federal scholars such as the IACFS our and the Forum Show more
Publication Year: 2017
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Ronald Lampman the His parents were Anglican missionaries from Canada. He earned a age Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College in the University of of Toronto in 1952 and then received a Rhodes Scholarship to eighty-six attend Oxford University. He studied in Oriel and Nuffield Colleges in where he received Show more
Publication Year: 1991
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: tag=1 data=Canadian by Ronald L. Watts tag=2 data=Watts, Ronald L. tag=3 data=Publius: The Journal Federalism of Federalism, tag=5 data=21 tag=6 data=Summer 1991 tag=7 data=169-190. tag=8 data=CONSTITUTION%CANADA tag=9 data=MEECH LAKE ACCORD tag=10 in data=Failure to ratify the Meech Lake Accord in 1990 has the produced a constitutional crisis in Canada and sharpened the polarization 1990s: between Quebec and the Show more
Publication Year: 2020
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1992
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Introduction - Byrne Emerging Technofallacies in the Electronic Monitoring Movement - Ronald P The Corbett, Jnr and Gary T Marx PART THREE: SHOCK INCARCERATION Emergence Boot Camp Prisons for Young Offenders - Doris Layton MacKenzie of and Dale G Parent PART FOUR: OTHER INTERMEDIATE SANCTIONS The Intermediate Use of Fines Show more
Publication Year: 2007
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: 1. Introduction: - policy divergence, and devolution - Scott L. Greer 8. Washing Alan dirty linen in private: the processes of intergovernmental relations and Trench the resolution of disputes - Alan Trench 9. The parties 2. and intergovernmental relations - Martin Laffin, Eric Shaw & Gerald The Taylor 10. The Show more
Publication Year: 2009
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Illustrations Foreword Peoples Colonial Double-Bind: Social and Historical Contexts of Innu Mental Health 1 / Colin Samson 6 Placing Violence against First Nations Children: The The Use of Space and Place to Construct the (In)credible Mental Violated Subject / Jo-Anne Fiske 7 Narratives of Hope and Health Despair in Downtown Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Comparaison des des relations intergouvernementales, Queen’s University, 2e édition, 2002, 142 p.. régimes Un article de la revue Politique et Sociétés (Volume 22, fédéraux, numéro 1, 2003, p. 3-181) diffusée par la plateforme Érudit. de Ronald L. Watts, Kingston, Institut
Publication Year: 1996
Abstract: Foreword by of South Africa: Tembeka Ntusi Middle East The Middle East and Social Egypt: Ibrahim A. Ragab Israel: David Guttmann and Ben-Zion Cohen Work Asia and the Pacific Asia and the Pacific: David Cox Education Australia: John Lawrence India: Kalyan Sankar Mandal Bangladesh: Abdul Hakim by Sarker and A. Show more
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