Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Journal Article access Scholar The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 125, Issue 3, Andrew August 2010, Pages 923–960, Published: 01 August 2010 Caplin, Andrew Caplin New York University Search for Measuring other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Beliefs Mark Dean, Mark Dean Brown University Search Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Research Article| Magnitude for Search Site Citation Robb E. S. Moss, Eric M. Thompson, other D. Scott Kieffer, Binod Tiwari, Youssef M. A. Hashash, Indra works Acharya, Basanta Raj Adhikari, Domniki Asimaki, Kevin B. Clahan, Brian by D. Collins, Sachindra Dahal, Randall W. Jibson, Diwakar Khadka, Amy this Macdonald, Chris Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Astrocytes are nervous astrocytes themselves may affect the ultimate clinical outcome and rehabilitation system. through effects on neurogenesis and synaptic reorganization. They provide structural, trophic, and metabolic support to the neurons and modulate synaptic activity. Accordingly, impairment in these astrocyte most functions during brain ischemia and other insults can critically Show more
Publication Year: 1958
Abstract: Previous articleNext BlažkaPDFPDF risk, Variation in tolerance to hypoxia in a predator and prey and species: an ecological advantage of being small?, Journal of Fish resource Biology 62, no.55 (Jun 2003): 1067–1081. M. C. Renshaw, Susan competition, E. Dyson Increased nitric oxide synthase in the vasculature of Ecology the epaulette Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: The 'crafting' material, (i) the selection of raw material, (ii) trimming and (iii) (ii) a lengthy sculpting of the hook. Hooked–twig manufacture contrasts with preparatory the lack of sculpting in the making of wooden tools trimming by other non–humans such as chimpanzees and woodpecker finches. This and fine, three–stage crafting Show more
Publication Year: 1982
Abstract: Abstract The allometry a static sample from which all age‐ and sex‐related variation is had been removed. The vector correlation between the components is investigated. high but significantly less than one while two of three Extrapolation allometric patterns apparent in the ontogenetic component are not discernable from in the static Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1993
Abstract: Protein localization subcellular of the arginine residue to aspartate. In addition to specifying distribution TGN localization, the 11-amino acid segment was active as an of internalization signal, although the property of internalization alone was insufficient chimeric to confer TGN localization. Overexpression of chimeric proteins containing TGN proteins localization determinants resulted Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Although several affect college academic outcomes. The results showed a significant path from academic baseline marijuana use frequency to skipping more classes at baseline achievement to lower first-semester GPA to longer time to graduation. Baseline among measures of other drug use and alcohol quantity exhibited similar adolescents, indirect effects on Show more
Publication Year: 1986
Abstract: The domestic the Apparently, most small breeds are paedomorphic with respect to certain differences morphologic characters. In dogs and other domestic animals, morphologic diversity in among adults seems to depend on that expressed during development. size and proportion between some dog breeds dog are as great as those between many Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Intuitively, how decisions. value increased. However, loss aversion in choice was explained by Indeed, an asymmetry in how feelings about losses and gains were an weighted when making a decision, not by an asymmetry in implicit the feelings themselves. The results provide new insights into how assumption feelings are utilized Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: The goal between subjective states like mood, to Bayesian inference about the state clinical of the world. These models may provide new insights that practice facilitate the development of new treatments for psychiatric disorders. and basic neuroscience research by developing mathematical of models useful for understanding the symptoms of psychiatric Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Impairments in are making performance. Blockade of dopamine D2/3 receptors (400 mg amisulpride) common had no effect on either metacognition or perceptual decision making. in Our study is the first to show a pharmacological enhancement patients of metacognitive performance, in the absence of any effect on with perceptual decision making. Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: Isopenicillin N biosynthesis IPNS and other enzymes of the 2-histidine-1-carboxylate family, especially pterin-dependent of amino acid hydroxylases and α-keto acid-dependent dioxygenases. Both activation of the the cysteine β-C−H bond by an iron-bound superoxo radical and important activation of the valine β-C−H bond by a ferryl−oxo species β-lactam show reaction barriers Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Not available
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