Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: We introduce can running significantly faster. Finally we propose a method to jointly detect train on object detection and classification. Using this method we over train YOLO9000 simultaneously on the COCO detection dataset and the 9000 ImageNet classification dataset. Our joint training allows YOLO9000 to predict object detections for object Show more
Publication Year: 1992
Abstract: Journal Article Locally Academic PubMed Google Scholar ELIZABETH QUOIX, ELIZABETH QUOIX Search for Advanced other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Non-Small-Cell Scholar PIERE RUFFIE, PIERE RUFFIE Search for other works by Lung this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar MICHEL MARTIN, Carcinoma MICHEL MARTIN Search Show more
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: O bjectives in were reported to be born by caesarean section (caesarean rates) a and are reported by breed. The dogs were categorised into large brachycephalic, mesocephalic and dolicocephalic breeds. R esults : The 10 sample breeds with the highest caesarean rates were the Boston terrier, of bulldog, French bulldog, Show more
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: Background : echocardiography In healthy WHWT, AT (median, range) was 73 ms (53 (DE) to 104) and AT:ET was 0.40 (0.28 to 0.55). AT:ET of was minimally affected by age ( R 2 = 0.04, tricuspid 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.01–0.07, P < .001) but not regurgitation by heart rate, Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: O bjectives complications per cent). Complications in 13/102 dogs (12·7 per cent) were and perforation (8), oesophageal stricture (1), oesophageal diverticula (1), perioesophageal abscess outcome (1), pneumothorax and pleural effusion (1) and respiratory arrest (1). in Six dogs (all weighing <10 kg) had complications resulting in dogs death or euthanasia. Show more
Publication Year: 1983
Abstract: A theory an Relations between objects, rather than attributes of objects, are mapped analogy from base to target; and (b) The particular relations mapped is are determined by systematicity, as defined by the existence of derived higher‐order relations. from the meanings of its parts. of In the structure‐mapping theory, the Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: In this proposed demonstrate in a variety of experiments that our network is in able to localize the discriminative image regions despite just being [13], trained for solving classification task1. and shed light on how it explicitly work, enables the convolutional neural network (CNN) to have remarkable localization we ability Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: The genetic was were, however, significantly correlated, with the best mean correlation being investigated. found for the Lynch & Ritland estimator (r = 0.43). Genealogical According to both approaches, it was concluded that special efforts analyses should be made to maintain diversity for three breeds, namely were the Berger des Show more
Publication Year: 2001
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: The variation period significantly longer than that of German shepherds (60.4 +/- 1.7; from P < 0.001), Labrador retrievers (60.9 +/- 1.5; P < mating 0.001) and Dobermans (61.4 +/- 1.0; P < 0.025). The to variation in the duration of gestation in any one of parturition, the six breeds Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Background Brachycephalic upper Arterial blood gases, electrolyte concentrations, and packed cell volume ( airway PCV ) were measured. Systolic ( SAP ), mean ( obstruction MAP ), and diastolic ( DAP ) arterial blood pressure (brachycephalic recordings were performed. Results A total of 7 F rench syndrome, and 4 E Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Faiss, R, and was tested with subjects either wearing 4° DF or standard Deriaz, (S) shoes. The jump tests (performed on a force platform) O. consisted of squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), and continuous Influence jumps (CJ) during 15 seconds. Measured parameters were jump height, of speed at take Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Background A ( peroxidase ( TPO ) iodide oxidation activity was measured, and CHG TPO protein and SDS ‐resistant thyroglobulin aggregation were assessed on ) western blots. TPO cDNA was amplified from thyroid RNA and in sequenced. Exons and flanking splice sites were amplified from genomic T DNA and sequenced. Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: Bull terrier Alport in kidneys from affected adult dogs with normal renal function syndrome, (both P<0.0001) compared with normal dogs. Other histological features that as are characteristic of human X-linked and autosomal recessive Alport syndrome affected and that were present included hypercellular glomeruli, occasional crescents, segmental dogs and global glomerular Show more
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