Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Ties scientific evidence about the causes of trends in marriage and That other forms of intimate unions. The contributors address these two Bindwas questions: What do we know about the factors that influence organized the formation of marriages and other intimate unions, the timing to of union formation, and the Show more
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Although the are were analyzed. The results suggest that experiencing any pattern of well violence is associated with a range of negative psychosocial outcomes documented, for both women and men. However, they also show the most increasingly negative impact and perceived dangerousness of IPV for those research experiencing more severe Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: to pass parents is rising in most developing country settings 16 is welcome; feel not so welcome, however, is evidence that the proportion of about young people engaging in premarital sexual activity is also increasing. talking 17dolescent sexual activity, within or outside of marriage, can lead to to negative reproductive Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: Next article Equality and (Apr 2016): 130–150. Zimmermann, James H. Williams Does Students’ Gender International Matter? Parents’ Educational Expectations, Their Determinants, and Consequences in Explaining Education Students’ Dropout in an Area in Cambodia, (Jan 2016): 123–142. Society. D. GIPSON, MICHELLE J. HINDIN INTER-GENERATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN WOMEN'S FERTILITY, All ASPIRATIONS FOR Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Previous articleNext by School Roles and the Education Gender Gap in Turkey, Social Indicators Achievement Research 129, no.33 (Nov 2015): 1231–1254. E. Miller Putting the in Challenge of Achieving International Education Goals into Context: An Examination Nepal, of the Institutional Determinants of Educational Attainment, Comparative Education Review Educational 60, no.44 Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Using cross-sectional we over the study period for most couples, but increased among investigated couples in which only the husband wanted more children. This the finding suggests that wives who disagree with their husbands about influence having more children are either less likely to prevent pregnancy of through consistent use Show more
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: This study and wife fighting back, and jealousy. In the regression analysis, the Nutrition wife's alcohol use and violence between the wife's parents were Survey predictors of all three perpetrator groups. The importance of regular to church attendance and husband control and dominance varied for the examine groups. Research and Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: We compared interviews ACASIs than in face-to-face interviews, whereas male participants' reports differed with according to type of sexual behavior and interview mode. Both reports male and female participants reported more sexual behaviors during interactive given interviews than during face-to-face interviews. Twenty-eight percent of male participants in reported having engaged Show more
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: We examined in and female adolescents who had witnessed parental domestic violence reported the more depressive symptoms.Filipino adolescents who have witnessed parental domestic violence developing are significantly more likely to report depressive symptoms. world: parental domestic violence and depressive symptoms the during adolescence.Data on depressive symptoms and witnessing of domestic Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: To conduct adolescent sexual and reproductive health in low- and middle-income countries. an expert-led process for identifying research priorities in
Publication Year: 2017
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Introduction/BackgroundIt is region often make them voiceless in family issues including fertility decisions; that and societal affairs in general. Women's subordinate role compared to is that of men is one of the several factors responsible yet for the slow pace of fertility transition in the region to (J. C. Caldwell, Show more
Publication Year: 1992
Abstract: A multimedia to men, use of modern contraceptive methods increased from about 56 promote percent to 59 percent during the campaign. Condom use increased family from about 5 percent to 10 percent. Awareness and current planning use of modern contraceptives was also higher among men exposed among to the campaign, Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Intimate partner one emotional violence in both countries, the study finds that women's of share of couple wealth is significantly associated with lower odds the of physical violence in Ecuador and emotional violence in Ghana. most Moreover, the association between women's share of couple wealth and glaring IPV is contingent Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Increasing women's key and added value of a number of domain-specific RAIs using strategy new nationally representative data from the Republic of Chad. A to striking finding is that women on average have less autonomous reduce motivation in all eight domains compared to their male counterparts. gender inequalities and improve Show more
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