Publication Year: 1984
Abstract: I knew that if reveal'dThey would by other men be metWith blank the indifference, or with blame reproved;from Matthew Arnold's "The Buried Life" mass of men conceal'dTheir thought, for fear
Publication Year: 1922
Abstract: Previous articleNext for a heterogeneity: The Po River prodelta (Adriatic Sea), Science of The sandy Total Environment 895 (Oct 2023): 164908. Siwek, Anna Waśkowska, Marek bay Wendorff Mud‐rich low‐density turbidites in structurally‐controlled intraslope mini‐basin: The influence under of flow containment on depositional processes and sedimentation patterns (Szczawa, macrotidal Oligocene, Polish Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: Research Article| deposits: Scholar Geology (2002) 30 (11): 1007–1010.<1007:EFDCMD>2.0.CO;2 Article history received: Formation 20 May 2002 rev-recd: 25 Jul 2002 accepted: 26 Jul of 2002 first online: 02 Jun 2017 Cite View This Citation geochemical Add to Citation Manager Share Icon Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn anomalies MailTo Tools Icon Show more
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: This essay the ********** Arnold's reaction to the English Romantic poets involves a major dual response of recognition and redefinition; his poems engage in English an inexhaustible dialogue with the work of Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Romantic and Keats. Sometimes he may seem to see 'all Romantic Poets, poetry' in terms Show more
Publication Year: 1966
Abstract: Previous articleNext Costs Roland success and survival in a shorebird, Ibis 164, no.33 (Dec Lupoli, 2021): 692–710. Long, Yang Liu, András Liker, Franz J. Weissing, Tom Jan Komdeur, Tamás Székely Does ecology and life history predict J. parental cooperation in birds? A comparative analysis, Behavioral Ecology and M. Sociobiology 76, Show more
Publication Year: 2006
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: 1. Introducing points alive: Thomas May's 1631 - Antigone Karen Britland 8. Placing - Caroline politics on the professional comic stage - Matthew Steggle Julie 9. Stigmatizing Prynne: seditious libel, political satire and the construction Sanders of opposition - Andrew McRae 10. Coteries, complications and the and question of female Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: Penetrating insight memory places that illuminate class, ethnic, racial, and historical experiences. Focusing is on material culture, they explore the tensions that exist among constructed. various groups--elite landowners, the National Park Service, preservationists, minority groups--who Through compete for control over the interpretation of American public history.CONTENTSForeword, a by Edward T. Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1990
Abstract: A macroscopic values results from the two structures. Many of these correspond to of the titrating groups for which the calculations are in error. the Since for an ionic strength of 0.1 M the Debye titratable screening between titratable groups leads to a very high effective groups dielectric constant (the Show more
Publication Year: 1986
Abstract: Previous articleNext Resources: this resistance to different types of parasites in a wild mammal, article:Thomas Scientific Reports 12, no.11 (Feb 2022). Gutiérrez, F. Córdova-Lepe, F. J. N. Moreno-Gómez, N. A. Velásquez Plastic energy allocation toward life-history Anneberg, functions in a consumer-resource interaction, Journal of Mathematical Biology 85, Elizabeth no.6-76-7 (Nov Show more
Publication Year: 1976
Abstract: Previous articleNext Charnov, bird, E. Visser, Albert Phillimore Comparing two measures of phenological synchrony Circus in a predator–prey interaction: Simpler works better, Journal of Animal hudsonius, Ecology 89, no.33 (Dec 2019): 745–756. Parker, Yurena Yanes, Eduardo Journal Mesa Hernández, Juan Carlos Hernández Marrero, Jorge Pais, Nora Soto of Contreras, Donna Show more
Publication Year: 1996
Abstract: For 35 hydrophobic effect is the dominant force in protein folding. The years, importance of hydrogen bonding was always clear, but whether it the made a net favorable contribution to protein stability was not. prevailing Studies of mutant proteins have improved our understanding of the view forces stabilizing proteins. They Show more
Publication Year: 2009
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Notes on Wider Clay 14. Personal, Social and Health Education Gillian Hilton 15. Context Mathematics Mark Boylan and Hilary Povey 16. Religious Education Julie 1. Light 17. Modern Foreign Languages Pura Ariza and Debs Gwynn The Afterword Mike Cole Index. Condition of Equality in the USA Contributors Wayne Au 2. Show more
Publication Year: 1984
Abstract: Previous articleNext MurderGavin Similia similibus : Queer Time in Thomas of Monmouth's Life I. and Miracles of St William of Norwich, Exemplaria 28, no.11 LangmuirGavin (Jan 2016): 44–69. Heather Blurton The Language of the Liturgy I. in the Life and Miracles of William of Norwich, Speculum LangmuirPDFPDF 90, no.44 (Oct Show more
Publication Year: 2004
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Suggested Contents Plates.Abbreviations.Chronology.Acknowledgements.Introduction.Poetry sleeps the crimson petal'.In Memoriam A.H.H. OBIIT MDCCCXXXIII.'The Charge of included the Light Brigade'.'To the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava'.'Crossing the (short Bar'.Robert Browning (1812-89).'Porphyria's Lover'.'My Last Duchess'.'The Bishop Orders his Tomb titles)..Thomas at Saint Praxed's Church'.'Fra Lippo Lippi'.'Andrea del Sarto'.'Childe Roland to Macaulay the Dark Tower Show more
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