Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: short-paper Share Lior successfully added and will be sent to:You will be notified Shafir whenever a record that you have chosen has been cited.To Tel manage your alert preferences, click on the button below.Manage my Aviv AlertsNew Citation Alert!Please log in to your account Save to University BinderSave to BinderCreate Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Introduction Ilan section for a scholarly debate and the confrontation of disparate, or constitute even opposing views in this section will result in the the formulation of fresh approaches. With this philosophy in mind, the second editors of Israel Studies, Natan Aridan and Arieh Saposnik, and collection I as guest Show more
Publication Year: 1970
Abstract: In the nature the education system, and to lead the construction of an on environment that allows for mental well-being for those growing in counseling, it, Educational counseling is aimed to assist the student as two an individual, and to the school as a social-organizational system, terms to reach maximum Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: This thesis centers further expand on existing literature. This thesis argues that desecuritizing on agents should incorporate socio-cultural motifs in their arguments in front the of Jewish Israeli audiences, as well as pivot towards international 2014 audiences to succeed in desecuritization. military conflict. The objective of the investigates study was Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: This is to disengagement, demonstrators burned Israeli flags, hurled rocks at Israeli soldiers, the and compared Ariel Sharon to Adolf Hitler and the atrocities basic of the state of Israel to those of the Nazi questions regime.These protestors were not Palestinian.They were religious nationalists who once about sanctified the state Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: The article evident same as in the Bible.From the semantic point of view, in the same domains as in biblical names are used in personal the modern ones.The main semantic fields are theophoric names, zoological names and botanic nouns, names inspired by nouns from nature, as used well as toponyms. Show more
Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: En Argentina, para de contar con capacidad diagnóstica en la región. La información las aquí recopilada permitirá contar con contenidos relevantes, actualizados y accesibles aves necesarios para abordar el estudio de esta amenaza para la rapaces conservación de las aves rapaces de Argentina y de otros locales países de Sudamérica. Show more
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