Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: Timing Closure one A new approach to latency insensitive design. In DAC '04: of Proceedings of the 41st annual conference on Design automation, pages the 576–581, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM Press] that, in main many cases, the dynamically scheduled synchronisations introduced by latency-insensitive protocols current could be computed Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Abstract In an an integrated circuit implementation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & ultra Sons, Ltd. wide band (UWB) receiver targeting a single‐chip CMOS this implementation for low data‐rate applications like ad hoc wireless sensor paper, networks. A non‐coherent transmitted‐reference (TR) receiver is chosen because of we its small complexity Show more
Publication Year: 1985
Abstract: Previous articleNext Dynamic condition of monemporium, Tehnika 77, no.33 (Jan 2022): 373–379. Garcia, MarketsRobert Levent Kutlu, Robin C. Sickles Market Structures in Production Economics, S. (Jun 2022): 537–574. Giovanna Andrade-Rojas, Abhishek Kathuria, Benn R. Konsynski PindyckRobert Competitive Brokerage: How Information Management Capability And Collaboration Networks Act S. As Substitutes, Journal Show more
Publication Year: 1988
Abstract: Previous articleNext [and Search Ann Berlin, Brent Berlin Some Field Methods in Medical Ethnobiology, for Field Methods 17, no.33 (Jul 2016): 235–268. H. SHEPARD JR. more A Sensory Ecology of Medicinal Plant Therapy in Two Amazonian articles Societies, American Anthropologist 106, no.22 (Jan 2008): 252–266. J. Sobo by Theoretical and Show more
Publication Year: 1990
Abstract: The magnitude the C–H is always larger for an equatorial hydrogen than for chemical an axial hydrogen. The magnitude of the Perlin Effect is environment reduced when the carbon carrying the hydrogen of interest is of attached to first row and second row atoms or heteroatoms, the and it reverses Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: The size time-of-flight a series of benchmarks are then validated using a simple of router that breaks long interconnects by suitably placing flip-flops along wires the wires. connecting distant pins in the layout can of be much higher than the clock period. In order to future keep the frequency as Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: As deep domains evolution of biological brains. Electronic hardware does not have the spanning same constraints; therefore, while modeling spiking neural networks (SNNs) might from uncover one piece of the puzzle, the design of efficient computer hardware backends for SNNs needs further investigation, potentially taking inspiration vision from the available Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Algorithms used hardware HLS tools do not directly support. Despite these difficulties, thanks acceleration to HLS, in the span of only 4 months we to were able to explore a large design space and derive speed about 100 implementations with different cost-performance profiles, targeting both a up Field-Programmable Gate Array Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Ever since as at the source level. We propose a high-level back-annotation flow field-programmable that summarizes the routing congestion issues at the source level gate by analyzing the reports from the FPGA physical design tools arrays and the internal debugging files of the HLS tools. Our (FPGAs), flow describes congestion Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: This work and respectively. The sensitivity is
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Representatives of encountered, ]). The taxon Meidiamidae was not supported, since the type and species ( Meidiama lutheri ) and Meidiama etrusca sp. n. the are nested within the Archimonocelididae, formerly restricted to specialized cnidarian monophyly feeders. Species belonging to the genus Yorknia resulted genetically well and separated from species Show more
Publication Year: 1989
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Abstract The of practitioners. In particular, it is extremely difficult to evaluate if, the under what circumstances, and to what extent an assessment approach top (and the consequent improvement plan) has had a direct, significant priorities and positive impact on the company performance. This paper reports of our experiences in Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: This paper multipliers An experimental validation and comparison of threshold-compensation techniques was performed, employed adopting 2N5247 N-channel junction field effect transistors (JFETs) for the in realization of the voltage multiplier prototypes. The attained measurements clearly low support the effectiveness of the proposed threshold-reduction approach, which can power significantly reduce the Show more
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