Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: Novel Techniques of algorithm in on state detection with a pervious paper that Appliances evaluated the same dataset and show that it performs up for to 13% better. We also present the results of a Power case study where we collected data for different modes of Estimation a cooktop, microwave Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: OccuTherm: Occupant repository The data is comprised of the following feature groups: depth contains camera frames, biometrics sensor data, body shape information, subjective comfort the data from the mobile device application, environmental sensor data from official the commercial building HVAC system, and outdoor weather station data. data This is the Show more
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: The purpose publish ultimately, allow research focused on understanding and reducing energy consumption a in the built environment to evolve as a result. Residential representative and commercial buildings account for about 40% of all energy set consumption in the United States. In dense urban settings this of figure can increase Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: In this different performance metrics when applied to classification algorithms in event-based work, Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring, identifying relationships and clusters between the measures. we Our results indicate that performance metrics have more in common analyse than what was initially expected. Our results also suggest that experimentally in this multi-class classification Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Aggregations of hold power measurements for HRUs and use these models to create promise more realistic simulations. We then derive the aggregate system equations as using a bottom-up approach that results in a more flexible demand [linear time invariant (LTI)] system. Finally, we quantify the plant-model response mismatch and evaluate Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: In this Samaras suggest a strategy to help answer two important questions: Policy What would we later regret not regulating now? What good and opportunities might certain types of regulation hold back and how Regulatory can this be mitigated? In answering these questions, they suggest Issues a human-centered utility-like approach Show more
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Summary Nonintrusive the Recommendations for improving the technology to allow detailed, continuous appliance‐level power auditing of residential buildings are provided, along with ideas for consumption possible future work in the field. and operational schedule of individual loads in load a building from measurements of the overall voltage and current monitoring Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Refrigeration is faultless paper, we present an approach to detect anomalous behavior in operation the operation of refrigeration systems by monitoring their energy signals of alone. We test the performance of our approach using data refrigeration collected from refrigeration systems across 25 stores of a real systems world supermarket chain. Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: Pre-trained language building between BIM and BEM are needed to achieve component level energy transformation, so that only the corresponding part in BEM instead model of whole BEM are updated when changes happen to the transformation BIM. These mapping rules can be defined explicitly using model at transformation languages. However, Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: OccuTherm: Occupant repository The data is comprised of the following feature groups: depth contains camera frames, biometrics sensor data, body shape information, subjective comfort the data from the mobile device application, environmental sensor data from official the commercial building HVAC system, and outdoor weather station data. data This is the Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: <p>En este mirada del <em>newsmaking</em>. Se analizan sus antecedentes y su evolución artículo en relación con los estudios del emisor, con un énfasis se en la literatura sobre los procesos y rutinas productivas. Este hará artículo retoma los principales debates en torno al emisor como una parte de un proceso Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: La ausencia innovadoras entre los casos dimétricos de México y Brasil, enmarcado en endógenas las estructuras institucionales generadas por el poder económico y la en ideología dominante, siendo los factores determinantes en la formulación de América las políticas nacionales de ciencia y tecnología. Latina ha constituido un impedimento estructural de Show more
Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: Abstract In a that comfortable DR durations (CDRDs) for rooms are typically 70% single longer or 40% shorter than for the room with the probe thermostat. When averaging, rooms at the control temperature’s bounds are near typically deviated around −3 °F to 2.5 °F from the the average. Moreover, in Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: La segmentación las Metodológicamente hemos realizado un análisis de contenido de las propuestas mayorías sobre la televisión pública nacional y autonómica a partir de absolutas los programas electorales de los partidos políticos para las elecciones ha autonómicas de 2015 y generales de 2015-2016 y en paralelo propiciado hemos realizado entrevistas Show more
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