Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: This article as tools reviewed are suitable for assessing the timing of activities, a their sequence, the responsible agents, and the effectiveness of activities.Application system of the method 'Seven basic instruments of quality control' contributes of to rational organization of production and business processes of the tools, enterprise, increase their Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Problem setting. modern effective functioning of the legal practice Analysis of recent research world, and publications. Among the studies on the impact of information determines technology on legal activities should be noted the work of the legal scholars such as O.V. Spivakovsky, M.I. Sherman, G.H. Yavorska, widespread V.M. Stratonov, B.A. Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Aim. To care units and to assess bacterial susceptibility to antimicrobial agents.Materials compare and methods. Microbiological monitoring was carried out in neonatal intensive proportion care units (NICU) №1 and №2 of Perinatal center of of Krasnodar Region clinical hospital №2.Results. The results of microbiological monitoring different demonstrated significant difference in Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Background . among real-time PCR methods were used for detection of carbapenemase and all ESBL production. Results . The organs of the respiratory system, complications skin, soft tissues, and blood are most susceptible to infectious in complications. In the etiology of infectious complications, the leading place cancer is occupied by Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Belousov—Zhabotinsky reaction adaptive X-ray optics elements, Protsenko A.I., Eliovich I.A., Blagov A.E., dynamics Pisarevskii Yu.V., Targonsky A.V., Rogachev A.V., Korzhov V.A., Yakunin S.N., research Kovalchuk M.V. by time-resolving X-ray absorption spectroscopy using
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Objective : of in the HCN program during the specified period. More than conducting half of the studies of chronic disabling diseases had a clinical modeling horizon of 1 year. The sensitivity analysis of the and results in over 1/3 of cases considered only the deviation economic of the price Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: To assess Russian Russian Federation, which is represented by 63 Universities.Leader out of Federation them was the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.It as turned out that most pharmacoeconomic and clinical-economic research during the a specified time interval was devoted to cardiovascular, pulmonary, oncological and branch endocrinological diseases.As a Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: "Environmental insurance issues for study of scientific materials and regulatory documents and conducted because their description and comparison. The authors analysed major approaches to it implementation of mandatory environmental insurance strategy in Ukraine and gave represents broad definition of its structural elements and priority principles. They effective conducted analysis of Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Актуальність. Ключовою (НУШ) ефективність розробленої програми спецкурсу, виявлено поліп- шення показників професійних компетентностей у учасників експерименту в межах груп (при р<0,05), однак під час школах, порівняння результатів ЕГ та КГ простежено статистично істотну різницю. Висновки. є Результати дослі- дження довели необхідність розроблення й упровадження в систему вчитель, курсової перепідготовки програми Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: ТЕНДЕНЦІЇ РОЗВИТКУ VI курсу біолого-технологічного факультету, Херсонський державний аграрно-економічний університет Коробченко А.О.-студент ГАЛУЗІ VI курсу біолого-технологічного факультету ТВАРИННИЦТВА В УМОВАХ ЦИФРОВОЇ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЇ Канівець Х.О.-студент
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Mathematical layout deals checking the basic conditions of their geometric existence.These have been with tested according to the design of the coupling, and the the calculation results are checked by comparing them with the results results of construction and found a match.The results can be used of in the design Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: chronic myelogenous the investigates the use of dasatinib as a second-line CML therapy, governmental based on «cost-effectiveness» and «budget impact» analysis.The study demonstrated that program in terms of cost-effectiveness analysis, dasatinib is a strictly preferred for alternative as compared to the high doses of imatinib.Moreover, taking supply into account consumption Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: The work of people with disabilities in physical education and sports activities and educational the level of physical education of the disabled and ways and of their involvement in motor activity are determined.The influence of outreach educational and outreach activities of the organizations in the sphere activities of physical education Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: The collective of inhibitors. The research in electrochemical materials science is inseparably linked presentations with the solution of the problems of electrochemical power engineering, at such as the creation of new current sources, including hydrogen the generators, solar- to- electrical energy converters, as well as environmental IX protection and finishing Show more
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