Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Author(s): Aghanim, C; Eriksen, HK; Fantaye, Y; Farhang, M; Fergusson, J; Fernandez-Cobos, R; Ballardini, Finelli, F; Forastieri, F; Frailis, M; Fraisse, AA; Franceschi, E; M; Frolov, A; Galeotta, S; Galli, S; Ganga, K; Genova-Santos, RT; Banday, Gerbino, M; Ghosh, T; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J; Gorski, KM; Gratton, S; AJ; Gruppuso, A; Gudmundsson, Show more
Publication Year: 2008
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: 1. Beyond Lupia, 7. Affect as information: the role of public mood in Mathew political reasoning Wendy M. Rahn Part II. Internal Elements of D. Reason: 8. Reconsidering the rational public: cognition, heuristics, and mass McCubbins opinion James H. Kuklinski and Paul J. Quirk 9. Three and steps toward a Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Previous articleNext of among Critical Public Health 33, no.22 (Aug 2021): 125–134. H Shah, preschool Leila M Harris, Vikas Menghwani, Justin Stoler, Alexandra Brewis, Joshua children: D Miller, Cassandra L Workman, Ellis Adjei Adams, Amber L a Pearson, Ashley Hagaman, Amber Wutich, Sera L Young Variations in population-based household water Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Volume 1 M. Kuczynski T. Mortimer 10. Children and Digital Media Sandra L. Calvert and 11. Children in Diverse Social Contexts Velma McBride Murry, Nancy Jan E. Hill, Dawn Witherspoon, Cady Berkel, and Deborah Bartz 12. De Children s Housing and Physical Environments Robert H. Bradley 13. Mol Children in Show more
Publication Year: 1994
Abstract: Journal Article regional del Lavoro-Universita' di Ancona, Ospedale Regionale TorretteAncona, Italy Search for hospital other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Get Scholar M. Governa M. Governa Clinica di Medicina del Lavoro-Universita' access di Ancona, Ospedale Regionale TorretteAncona, Italy Search for other works M. by this author Show more
Publication Year: 1995
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Preface to SOCIAL M. Hodapp and Jacob A. Burack). 7. DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS OF SUPPORT LANGUAGE (Sabine Heim and April A. Benasich). 8. AUTISM SPECTRUM AND DISORDERS (Geraldine Dawson and Karen Toth). 9. DISORDERS OF ATTENTION DEVELOPMENTAL AND IMPULSE REGULATION (Joel T. Nigg, Stephen P. Hinshaw, and PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Cynthia Huang-Pollock). 10. Show more
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: The developing termed have similar expression profiles to their murine and avian counterparts, rhombomeres although there are several differences in timing and spatial extent which of expression which may underlie some of the functional changes represent that have occurred along the separate evolutionary lineages of teleosts lineage and tetrapods. Our Show more
Publication Year: 1959
Abstract: Previous articleNext Are niches Mohammed Mohammed-Amin, Yadgar Ali Mahmood, Francis Gilbert Conservation of the of Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) under climate changes in Iraq, Heliyon generalist 9, no.22 (Feb 2023): e12501. M. Vamosi Community Patterns in arthropod Dytiscids, (Jan 2023): 343–371. H. Anderson, Russell K. Lemken Citation predators Context Analysis Show more
Publication Year: 2007
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Contents: Preface. Hanson, Psychopathology Perspective. D. Cicchetti, K. Valentino, Toward the Application of I.I. a Multiple-Levels-of-Analysis Perspective to Research. L.A. Sroufe, Commentary: The Place Gottesman, of Development in Developmental Psychopathology. Choreographing Genetic, Epigenetic, and Stochastic Steps in M. the Dances of Developmental Psychopathlogy. W.T. Boyce, A Biology of Rutter, Misfortune: Show more
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: In Candida of protein Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (407) Google Scholar, 10Hoyer L.L. kinase Payne T.L. Bell M. Myers A.M. Scherer S. Curr. Genet. of 1998; 33: 451-459Crossref PubMed Scopus (187) Google Scholar, 11Sundstrom P. the Cutler J.E. Staab J.F. Infect. Immun. 2002; 70: 3281-3283Crossref PubMed cell Scopus (94) Show more
Publication Year: 2000
Abstract: Journal Article vulval Oxford Academic Google Scholar M.C. Zanotto‐Valentino, M.C. Zanotto‐Valentino Department of clinic Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University of Turin, Largo Mentana 11, 10133 Get Turin, Italy Search for other works by this author on: access Oxford Academic Google Scholar B. Ghiringhello, B. Ghiringhello Department of L. Pathology, Sant'Anna Hospital, Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Mitochondrial diseases by clinical than generalized seizures, suggesting that MERRF could be better defined maze as a myoclonic ataxia rather than a myoclonic epilepsy (Mancuso of et al., 2013Mancuso M. Orsucci D. Angelini C. Bertini E. mitochondrial Carelli V. Comi G.P. Minetti C. Moggio M. Mongini T. neurology.Nat. Servidei S. Show more
Publication Year: 2013
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Contents: Preface on Banks Claudio Porzio and Maria Grazia Starita 6. The Economic Property Impact of Islamic Finance and the EU Laurent Weill 7. Rights Migrant Banking in Europe: Approaches, Meanings and Perspectives Luca M. Pluralism Visconti and Enzo M. Napolitano 8. Empowering Women Worldwide: Is Valentino Islamic Law a Show more
Publication Year: 1957
Abstract: Previous articleNext Fertilization 2023): inter‐ and intraspecific mating system shifts in Primulina, Molecular Ecology 103436. 31, no.2222 (Oct 2022): 5699–5713. Rani Rajpal, Priyanka Rathore, Sahil Zeitler, Mehta, Nikita Wadhwa, Priyanka Yadav, Eapsa Berry, Shailendra Goel, Vishnu Christian Bhat, Soom Nath Raina Epigenetic variation: A major player in Parisod, facilitating plant Show more
Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: This paper models phantom crossing and the ${H}_{0}$ tension, Entropy 23, 404 (2021)] characterized (DMS20). By updating and extending the datasets used in the by original paper where it was introduced, we confirm the effectiveness nonmonotonic of DMS20 in alleviating the observational discrepancies. Additionally, we uncover energy that its negative Show more
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