Publication Year: 1963
Abstract: The self-consistent to local field correction. The local field correction is calculated explicitly obtain for the weak binding limit and is found to be the of the same order in the weak potential as the macroscopic atomic term, but the coefficient is much smaller for most longitudinal Fermi surfaces. This Show more
Publication Year: 1979
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2016
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: This book harmonic fields (p-adic numbers, p-series fields, and their algebraic extensions). The analysis local fields are studied in an effort to extend knowledge on of the reals and complexes as locally compact fields.The author's local central aim has been to present the basic facts of fields Fourier analysis on Show more
Publication Year: 1980
Abstract: We present describing dielectric properties of these systems. polarization-type many-body effects influencing the photoresponse of small electronic a systems. The self-consistent field approach we describe incorporates correlations into formalism a local, effective single-particle potential which takes account of the based time-dependent fields induced by an external radiation field. In this Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: A fundamental spiking different recording sites. Broadband power shifts were a more reliable of predictor of neuronal spiking than narrowband power shifts. These findings individual suggest that broadband LFP power provides valuable information concerning neuronal neurons activity beyond that contained in narrowband oscillations. and the aggregate electrical activity of question Show more
Publication Year: 1982
Abstract: Standard textbook obscure the physical origin of local-field effects by proceeding from derivations the macroscopic dielectric function of the equivalent homogeneous system to of the microscopic parameters of the model. The microscopic and macroscopic the aspects can be made clearer by reversing the order, that Clausius–Mossotti is, by first obtaining Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1979
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: The field enhanced if irradiated with an optical field polarized along the near tip axis. We demonstrate that the enhanced field gives rise a to local second-harmonic (SH) generation at the tip surface thereby sharp creating a highly confined photon source. A theoretical model for metal the excitation and emission Show more
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: Oscillatory rhythms and across these structures, particularly during decision-making behavioral epochs. Moreover, the are modulation patterns uncovered distinctions among both high- and low-frequency subbands. thought Cross-frequency coupling of multiple neuronal rhythms could be a general to mechanism used by the brain to perform network-level dynamical computations provide underlying voluntary behavior. Show more
Publication Year: 1993
Abstract: We investigated local although they often continued into the initial phases of movement field during the digit task. The relationship of oscillations to task potentials performance was consistent across trials over periods of many months, (LFPs) although the amplitude and duration of oscillations varied across trials recorded and days. Interactions Show more
Publication Year: 1981
Abstract: Enhancement of metals Lorenz-Mie region. The calculated wavelength and radius dependencies of ${\mathrm{Q}}_{\mathrm{NF}}$ (Ag, are compared with those for the better-known efficiencies: extinction (${Q}_{\mathrm{E}}$), Cu, far-field scattering (${Q}_{\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}\mathrm{sca}}$), and absorption (${Q}_{\mathrm{abs}}$). The peak values of and these efficiencies have been evaluated when the incident wavelength is Au) in resonance with Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Electromagnetic field simulation resonant wavelength on the antenna length and material. The FDTD and calculated and experimentally measured extinction efficiencies of the optical antennas experiment are found to be in good agreement. at midinfrared wavelengths. The optical antennas are enhancement designed to produce intense optical fields confined to subwavelength spatial Show more
Publication Year: 1993
Abstract: Complete discrete norm map Local class field theory I Local class field valuation theory II The group of units of local number fields fields Explicit formulas for the Hilbert symbol Explicit formulas for the Extensions Hilbert pairing on formal groups The Milnor $K$-groups of a of local field Bibliography List Show more
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