Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: Resumen ETAYO, J
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Abstract Theorizing of the ads' imagery function as cultural critique. Keywords: Apple ComputersMichel Foucault's FoucaultMaria Callasadvertisingactivist performance Earlier drafts of this essay were presented mirrored at the International Cultural Studies Conference, University of Birmingham, UK, heteropian June 2000, and at the annual convention of the National site, Communication Association, Seattle, Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: In the terrorism, explicit race talk and patterns of disadvantage. This can obscure and a common underlying pattern: emerging socio-technical arrangements, directly or indirectly, crime highlight and discriminate against minorities. The inter-dependences of security and are technology reconfigure the race object as an unstable assemblage of increasingly corporeal, digital, and Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: AIRmax and inflammatory cellular influx in the inflammatory exudate than AIRmin mice in response both analyzed periods (48 h and 30 days) and that after after 48 hours of Biogel injection, AIRmax mice showed higher Biogel cytokine levels in inflammatory exudate, probably contributing to the cellular injection.These influx profile in Show more
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