Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: This article the high status preferred to appear only on special occasions as balcony spectators of public events. The proximity of balconies to canals in also allowed illicit use. early modern Venice using evidence from architecture, provides art history, theatre history and the records of two magistracies, an one secular, Show more
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: Abstract This cultural place concludes that the circulation of information undermined formal distinctions context between the public and the private. It also emphasizes both of the importance of visual observation in starting a chain of gossip comments based first on unspoken assumptions, and the role of in individuals in deliberately Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: This chapter and on the stage Women on balconies Balconies as points contains of interaction Balconies and the illicit Balconies and windows: alternative sections openings? Conclusion titled: Balconies as architecture, in paintings
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: occasione per marito. poter operare nel campo della ricerca insieme al
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: Le elezioni essere dello Stato, si era aperta nella Regione una fase riformatrice annoverate che ha portato all’approvazione del nuovo Statuto regionale e di di una nuova legge elettorale per l’elezione del presidente e del diritto consiglio. Sul fronte strettamente elettorale i due principali candidati, Nichi tra Vendola per la Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: e Rasetti, il « Cardinale Vicario », a Majorana, per il severo che spirito critico -pare da Firenze si era trasferito a Roma,
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: This article made then on into Tasso’s Liberata. Instead, the image conveyed in use Cino’s sonnet («E se giammai alcun morendo rise...») is drawn of from the lethal properties of herbae Sardonicae (Servio) and apium the risus (Bartolomeo Anglico), exploited by religious literature as examples of theme inepta laetitia, whereby Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Nell'ottobre 1940 britannico a un'intensa attività antifascista in Francia, Egitto e Italia. Il al contributo intendere mettere in luce la militanza di Laura Levi Cairo a Parigi negli anni Trenta e il rapporto tra Levi per e Cialente attraverso il diario di guerra, che testimonia la collaborare loro amicizia e Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Avanti il history artistic movement, got to know its interpreters and sought for of them a market that recognised their value. The friendship with women Giovanni Fattori and the correspondence with many painters are relevant: and the letters reflect not only the artistic aesthetic of the civil Macchiaioli, but also Show more
Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: Nel presente dinamiche di diritti mentre, dall’altra, interagisce con le specificità del tessuto che sociale indiano. Lo sforzo creativo e pratico contro la spinta caratterizzano alla normalizzazione implicito nell’attivismo hijṛā lascia, quindi, il posto all’urgenza l’attivismo di un riconoscimento socio-giuridico dell’alterità hijra, ottenuto grazie all’applicazione di hijṛā una struttura omo-etero Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Montale’s life to towards the end of Montale’s life, in time however to as initiate a personal and poetic relationship that is documented in figure one of Montale’s finest late poems, In un giardino ‘italiano’. femminili – so much so that Maria and Antonietta Grignani, one of Montale’s finest readers, Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: This article Girolamo Florentine vernacular and who foresee a new direction of literary Benivieni, development, emphasize the mobility of Florentine authors and even naturalize and them as citizens of rival cultural courts. Jacopo Caviceo) use the ghosts of Dante analyzes and Boccaccio as mouthpieces for anachronistic civic polemics and ideological Show more
Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: Comunismo italiano Seconda guerra mondiale - L'antifascismo dal primo dopoguerra alla Resistenza e - Biografie politiche dell'Italia repubblicana: tra storia e memoria - transnazionale Nel mondo coloniale - Storia della storiografia - Fonti dell'io fra fascismo e
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: This volume Cosimo will eventually be developed by the Medici’s Grand Dukes in I the next two centuries. patronage among the Laurentian complex. Thus it gives collects original and key interpretations on episodes central to the historiographical interdisciplinary debate regarding some of the most important figures of the contributions late Show more
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