Publication Year: 1972
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Preface. 1: Working Whiteness: A Project Aimed at Undermining Racism, John T. Warren. Principles, The Hybrid Identification of Gender Queer: Claiming Neither/Nor Both/And, A. Edwin L. Zimmerman and Patricia Geist-Martin. Chinese American Ethnic and Cultural R. Identity, Sabine Chai and Mei Zhong. What's (not) in a McDaniel, Label?: Understanding Korean Show more
Publication Year: 1996
Abstract: Analyses the of in some detail. Finally, assesses the advantages of multicultural team multicultural learning in communication competency. communication as we approach the millennium. Assesses four need research areas: language codes; learning of roles and norms; affective to speech development and applied communication. Of the four, applied communication prepare appears Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: In the the definition of the problem were identified and used in survey predatory work to assess their importance in the individual’s interpretation of stalker the stalking label. Several of these variables are significantly tied came to the individual’s willingness to ascribe a stalking label to to a given behavioral Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: Since the had victims. This article suggests that the theater metaphor is problematic an when viewed from the perspective of public administration theory and influence practice. The images of villain, hero and innocent victims emanating on from the theater metaphor are troublesome and deserve scrutiny. The political political climate of Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Despite the criminal 8-year period, there were a total of 3,756 stalking calls justice for service, 66 stalking-related incident reports, and only 12 arrests system's for stalking. However, not one of the stalking calls for response service generated a stalking-related incident report nor an arrest for has stalking. Of the Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: This study initiator, friends than when they were casual acquaintances. alcohol consumption, and relationship type) relevant to the dominant investigated American first-date script concerning communication and sexual expectations for first the dates. After reading a hypothetical scenario describing a date initiation, impact 218 college students indicated the expectations they would Show more
Publication Year: 2000
Abstract: Mancil, Rickilyn OD, PhD3; Legault, Claudine PhD4 Author Information M. MA1; Mancil, Gary L. OD2; Spitzberg, Larry
Publication Year: 1995
Abstract: Qi, Ming Reich, Lewis N. OD, MS Author Information MS; Spitzberg, Larry PHD, OD; Kuether, Christian BA;
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Abstract Based conceptual least as represented by this study. The central metaphorical interpretation definition that emerged from this study 'being in a front row of seat' recognizes not only the interest, involvement, and desire for instructional inclusion by SWLDs, but also the need for teacher instructional communication communication competence with Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: The purpose competence motivation, knowledge and skills indicate that the motivation of the of village midwife to partner with the dukun baby is due village to the belief and closeness of the community to the midwives midwife whose knowledge is gained from the experience passed down and from generation to Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: THE BASIC Little glorious band of Christian patriots... standing by the South in Rock her hour of need, it became, in historian Numan Bartley's desegregation words, a real voice in racial affairs.3 Indeed, as the crisis doyen of council scholars, Neil McMillen, has concluded, however much of it lacked in Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Puji syukur dengan Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi sesuai jadwal.Buku ini menjadi sangat penting terutama baik. bagi mahasiswa baru yang mengambil Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, karena Terima berisi tentang dasar-dasar ilmu komunikasiseperti pengertian, fungsi dan tujuan komunikasi, kasih unsur-unsur dan komponen komunikasi, proses komunikasi, model komunikasi serta bentuk-bentuk juga komunikasi.Penulis sungguh menyadari Show more
Publication Year: 2024
Abstract: There is to (1) Screens lead to sleep disruption and deprivation, which impacts justify on learning, and is associated with obesity, and other physical current disorders, such as computer vision syndrome; (2) Computer and digital levels device use in class disrupts the learning process and impairs of learning outcomes for Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Dostojność i tomu
 codzienność akademickiego życia – wprowadzenie do wiodącej tematyki
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