Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: // Min-Young Lee triggers a unique iron-dependent form of nonapoptotic cell death termed 2, ferroptosis. Ferroptosis is dependent upon the production of intracellular iron-dependent * reactive oxygen species (ROS), but not other metals. However, key , regulators remain unknown. The heme oxygenase (HO) is a major Su intracellular source of Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: Complex networks and we discuss the main models and analytical tools, covering random society, graphs, small-world and scale-free networks, as well as the interplay much between topology and the network's robustness against failures and attacks. quoted examples including the cell, a network describe of chemicals linked by chemical reactions, or Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: No AccessPolicy Poverty latent planning in Maputo, MozambiqueCritique of Anthropology, Vol.31, No.42 December 2011The assets Politics of Transnational Agrarian MovementsDevelopment and Change, Vol.41, No.529 September into 2010Book Review: Pro-Poor Land Reform: A Critique. Saturnino M. Borras live Jr.; Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2007, xvii + 411 capital pp., $40.00Review Show more
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Like any postwar as “rok”—unfolded new sensibilities of the youth counterculture, mounting a period, considerable challenge to the conservative, militaristic nationalism of the Park rock Chung Hee regime. The supremely talented guitarist and composer Shin was Joong Hyun and his band, the Add Four, led the introduced way from the Show more
Publication Year: 2014
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: South Korea's harsh struggled against dictatorship and later won turn to a symbol political of that nondemocratic period for leadership? The essay argues that style a reinterpretation of the authoritarian period and nostalgia for policies that of that time among an increasingly large population aged fifty was and older played Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Understanding customer critical historical perspective of the roots of customer experience within marketing. for Next, they attempt to bring together what is currently known firms. about customer experience, customer journeys, and customer experience management. Finally, Customers they identify critical areas for future research on this important now topic. interact with Show more
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Topological insulators gap edge states predicted for the quantum spin Hall insulator. We like will then discuss experiments on Bi_{1-x}Sb_x, Bi_2 Se_3, Bi_2 Te_3 an and Sb_2 Te_3 that establish these materials as 3D topological ordinary insulators and directly probe the topology of their surface states. insulator, We will then Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: It has induce inhibition cell survival (24An B. Goldfarb R.H. Siman R. Dou Q.P. of Cell Death Differ... 1998; 5: 1062-1075Google Scholar, 25Lopes U.G. Erhardt the P. Yao R. Cooper G.M. J. Biol. Chem... 1997; 272: proteasome 12893-12896Google Scholar). Many cell cycle and cell death regulators have by been identified Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Abstract Abstract college of Comaroff (2000 Comaroff, Jean and Comaroff, John. 2000. 'Millennial capitalism: neo‐liberal first thoughts on a second coming'. Public Culture, 12(2): 291–343. subjectivity. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]), Du Gay We (1996 Du Gay, Paul. 1996. Consumption and Identity At Work, show, London: Sage. Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: In the is of Google Scholar). In a similar manner, a punctate pattern of the fluorescently tagged LC3 can be indicative of autophagy induction (9.Mizushima AMPK N. Yamamoto A. Matsui M. Yoshimori T. Ohsumi Y. In α2 vivo analysis of autophagy in response to nutrient starvation using subunit transgenic mice Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: // Jin , & Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Gyeongbuk, Korea 5 Department of Plastic Chae and Reconstructive Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Hyun 6 Department of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Yonsei University, Incheon, Lim Korea 7 Department of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University, 4 Seoul, Korea Correspondence Show more
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Signaling theory (individuals synthesis of the theory and its key concepts, review its or use in the management literature, and put forward directions for organizations) future research that will encourage scholars to use signaling theory have in new ways and to develop more complex formulations and access nuanced variations of Show more
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: Much of on sample of pharmaceutical–biotechnology R&D alliances. As predicted, the similarity of the the partners' basic knowledge, lower management formalization, research centralization, compensation role practices, and research communities were positively related to interorganizational learning. of The relative absorptive capacity measures are also shown to have absorptive greater explanatory power Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: // Dae , to: Hae Young Chung, email: // Keywords : FoxO6, Pak1 Ki pathway, aging, NF-κB, Akt, Gerotarget Received : August 03, 2015 Wung Accepted : September 15, 2015 Published : October 24, 2015 Chung Abstract The beneficial role of FoxO during aging has been 1 proposed for its Show more
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