Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: In summer (PZSV) vulgaris cv. Pinto, Vicia faba cv. D'Aguadulce, Vigna unguiculata cv. were Black Eye, and systemic symptoms were observed on Capsicum annuum observed cvs. Yolo Wonder, Yolo Y, Florida VR2, and Criollo de for Morelos 334, Datura stramonium, Lycopersicon esculentum cvs. Momor and Stevens, the L. hirsutum (PI Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: The Tigray grounded in an ethno-nationalist consciousness generated by the cumulative grievances People's of Tigrayans against successive central governments of Ethiopia. An association Liberation of Tigrayan elites, the urban-based Tigrayan National Organization (TNO), prepared Front the groundwork for the formation of the TPLF. The TPLF, (TPLF), for its part, utilized Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: During the movement, movement and its incipient ideas of political reform being taken the up seriously by the post-war imperial regime. Patriots Movement, emerged.The nature and impact of this Italian resistance is reconsidered by highlighting aspects of its role in occupation 'redefining Ethiopia', its internal policy and its position in Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Being a has to balance normative diversity with efforts to implement state home law across its territory. This volume explores the co-existence of to state, customary, and religious legal forums from the perspective of more legal practitioners and local justice seekers. It shows how the than various stakeholders' use of Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: A summary preview has been provided. Please use the Get access link is above for information on how to access this content. not available for this content so a
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Pluralism in well efforts and the patience they have shown in the course as of publishing this volume.Finally, we are grateful to the many the informants in the field, both private people and government officials.Through staff their trust and openness to discuss partly very sensitive topics of they have given Show more
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