Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Previous articleNext of among Critical Public Health 33, no.22 (Aug 2021): 125–134. H Shah, preschool Leila M Harris, Vikas Menghwani, Justin Stoler, Alexandra Brewis, Joshua children: D Miller, Cassandra L Workman, Ellis Adjei Adams, Amber L a Pearson, Ashley Hagaman, Amber Wutich, Sera L Young Variations in population-based household water Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: General Topics Food Biological Activity of Tocotrienols Stefan U. Weber and Gerald Rimbach and Vitamin C Vitamin C: From Molecular Mechanisms to Optimum Uptake In Sebastian J. Padayatty, Rushad Daruwala, Yaohui Wang, Peter Eck, Jian Vivo Song, Woo S. Koh, and Mark Levine Vitamin C and Barry Cardiovascular Diseases Anitra Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Preface and in C. David Johnson and Timothy A. Kohler 8 Supply, Demand, the Return Rates, and Resource Depression: Hunting in the Village Ecodynamics Central World Jason A. Cowan, Timothy A. Kohler, C. David Johnson, Mesa Kevin Cooper, and R. Kyle Bocinsky 9 How Hunting Changes Verde: the VEP World, Show more
Publication Year: 1959
Abstract: Previous articleNext Are niches Mohammed Mohammed-Amin, Yadgar Ali Mahmood, Francis Gilbert Conservation of the of Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) under climate changes in Iraq, Heliyon generalist 9, no.22 (Feb 2023): e12501. M. Vamosi Community Patterns in arthropod Dytiscids, (Jan 2023): 343–371. H. Anderson, Russell K. Lemken Citation predators Context Analysis Show more
Publication Year: 1984
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Part I Conditions: (Gerald Goldstein) Chapter 6 Substance-Related Disorders: Alcohol (Eric F. Wagner, Dimensional Michelle M. Hospital, Mark B. Sobell, and Linda C. Sobell) Versus Chapter 7 Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders: Drugs (Stacey B. Daughters, Categorical Jordana L. Hemberg, & Jessica M. Richards) Chapter 8 Schizophrenia Classification (Dennis R. Combs, Show more
Publication Year: 1996
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Techniques for of Ibey, Rainie L. Sharpe, Kevin S. Shaughnessy, Simon C. Courtenay, toxicant Monique G. Dube, and Glen J. Van Der Kraak Conducting exposure dose-response feeding studies with salmonids: growth as an endpoint. James in P. Meador, Frank C. Sommers, Robert J. Wolotira, and Leslie zebrafish Kubin Field experiments Show more
Publication Year: 1990
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: On the SOCIAL Hale Religion and Adolescent Social Competence - Darwin L Thomas COMPETENCY and Craig Carver Medical Interventions for the Enhancement of Adolescents' The Physical Appearance - Thomas Pruzinsky and Thomas F Cash Implications Psychosocial for Social Competence PART THREE: CONCLUDING REMARKS Social Competence and Constructs the Language of Show more
Publication Year: 1997
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: PART ONE: in al.) Substance Use and Abuse (J. Hawkins, et al.) Conduct the Disorders and Antisocial Behavior (R. Prinz and C. Connell) Mental Real Health (E. Dubow, et al.) Health Promotion (C. Johnson, et World al.) Unintentional Injury and Child Abuse and Neglect (D. Brown Context and L. Peterson) Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: Author(s): Ciston, Peter; Fong, Erin; Goldschmidt, Azriel; Joseph, John M; Lee, Jason Jim; R; Mueller, Alexander; Ophus, Colin; Selvarajan, Ashwin; Skinner, David E; Johnson, Stezelberger, Thorsten; Tindall, Craig S; Minor, Andrew M; Denes, Peter Ian J; Draney, Brent R; Ercius,
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Preface. Applications, Multiple Herbicide-Resistant Crops (Jerry M. Green and Linda A. Castle). and 5 Testing Methods for Glyphosate Resistance (Dale L. Shaner). Properties 6 Biochemical Mechanisms and Molecular Basis of Evolved Glyphosate (Gerald Resistance in Weed Species (Alejandro Perez-Jones and Carol Mallory-Smith). M. 7 Glyphosate Resistance: Genetic Basis in Weeds Show more
Publication Year: 1967
Abstract: Previous articleNext the Bibi, Eguiguren, L. E. Gamez, S. Halloy, L. Hudson, R. Jaramillo, Terd P. L. Peri, L. A. Ramírez, P. Rosero‐Añazco, N. Thompson, Disayathanoowat, K. Yager, C. Tovar Compositional shifts of alpine plant communities Tial across the high Andes, Global Ecology and Biogeography 32, no.99 C. (Jun 2023): Show more
Publication Year: 2014
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Contents: Introduction: and C. Adams Spaces of mediated sound, Michael Bull Spaces of Jason telemediated sociability, Barney Warf Spaces of volunteered geographic information, Ate Dittmer. Poorthuis and Matthew Zook Spaces of affect, Paul Simpson Spaces Part of mediated performance, Katrinka Somdahl-Sands and Paul C. Adams Spaces I of media capital, Show more
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: Basnyat Buddha, Johnson, 2006.— 750 mg per day of acetazolamide in the prevention Andrew of acute mountain sickness (AMS), as recommended in the meta-analysis M. published in 2000 in the British Medical Journal, may be Luks, excessive and is controversial. To determine if the efficacy of Benjamin low-dose acetazolamide 125 Show more
Publication Year: 2006
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Foreword (Risa R. and Evidence (Jonathan Gruber, Botond Koszegi). 6. Lighting Up and Knickman). Slimming Down: The Effects of Body Weight and Cigarette Prices Editor's on Adolescent Smoking Initiation (John Cawley, Sara Markowitz, John Tauras). Introduction Section Three: Clean Indoor Air Laws. Reprints of Key Articles. (Kenneth 7. The Effect Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Basic Concepts Armstrong guide to solving the structure of an ion channel protein Ion Tahmina Rahman and Declan A. Doyle Structural study of ion selectivity channels by cryo-electron microscopy Qiu-Xing Jiang and Liang Shi Rosetta and structural modeling Vladimir Yarov-Yarovoy Genetic methods for studying ion channel conductance function in physiology Show more
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