Publication Year: 1949
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2000
Abstract: Comparing math in with the means for assessing their progress, the quick-fix solutions the implemented so far haven't had a noticeable impact.The problem, as United James Stigler and James Hiebert explain, is that most efforts States, to improve education fail because they simply don't have any two impact on the Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Is cricket it and attempted to offer an alternative. A telling example of look his technique can be found in his essay ‘Garfield Sobers’. like Writing about Sobers allows James to find the hybrid literary politics1 styles and forms through which a postcolonial West Indian cricket 1 could be represented. Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: On his James deep irony within an experimental music community dedicated to the Ferraro theories of John Cage. Listening – Cage’s liber- ating approach employs towards music-making that allowed non-musical, functional sounds to enter the a composition – has become an orthodoxy with strictly defined stylistic distinctly parameters. On ‘Far Show more
Publication Year: 2002
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: From teen fishing new youth sex culture based on romance, leisure and free girls choice. The Chinese themselves describe these changes as an opening and up in response to foreign influences and increased Westernization. Farrer big explores these changes by tracing the basic elements in talk moneys about sex and Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: Introduction: Talking Transformations Public Policy in the People's Republic of China Zhang Heqing in 8. Debating the Legal Regulation of Sex-Related Bribery and Corruption the in the People's Republic of China Elaine Jeffreys Primary Life Cycle: The Origins and Nature Sex of China's Sexual Revolution Pan Suiming 2. Sex, Politics Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: Acknowledgements Part 2. The urban social world Part II. Group Interests: 3. I. Life chances: education and jobs 4. Economic rewards 5. Popular Introduction: reactions to the changing social contract 6. Labor-management relations 7. 1. Civil servants and bureaucratic behavior 8. Political participation and interest Socialist articulation Part III. Gender: Show more
Publication Year: 1961
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: How do with their characters? In this book, the author answers this novelists question with analyses of many kinds of narrative - from communicate Homer to Hemingway, from the Book of Job to James with Joyce. He considers, for example, how Henry James uses unreliable their narrators (who reveal far Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: Mimicry reveals from India as the most influential early nineteenth-century account of Indian what manners and morals. The absurd extravagance of Macaulay’s ‘Minute’ (1835) might – deeply influenced by Charles Grant’s ‘Observations’ – makes a be mockery of Oriental learning until faced with the challenge of called conceiving of a Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: The dialogical concept asymmetry of social relations, and embodied forms of dialogue. Cultures of and selves are seen as moving and mixing and as self increasingly sensitive to travel and translocality. Three perspectives for future and research of self and culture are briefly discussed: the shifting the attention from core Show more
Publication Year: 2000
Abstract: List of in Hotlines, by Kathleen Erwin 8. Greeting Cards in China: Mixed Consumption, Language in Connections and Affections, by Mary S. Erbaugh 9. by Of Hamburger and Social Space: Consuming McDonald's in Beijing, by Deborah Yunxiang Yan 10. Dancing through the Market Transition: Disco and S. Dance Hall Sociability Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2014
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Information technology mining they manufacture, operate, and service them; to how they build equipment. and secure the necessary IT infrastructure. Smart, connected products raise Products a broad set of new strategic choices for companies about once how value is created and captured, how to work with composed traditional partners and Show more
Publication Year: 2000
Abstract: Abstract The as development has been published since Eleanor Gibson’s Principles of Perceptual a Learning and Development (1969). In An Ecological Approach to Perceptual verbal Learning and Development, distinguished experimental psychologists Eleanor J. Gibson and process Anne D. Pick provide a unique theoretical framework for the or ecological approach to Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: ABSTRACT Popular Croll his many homes, his health, participation in learned societies and has attitudes to collegiality, financial problems including the failed efforts to been secure a larger pension, and friendship. Life delivered a mixture accumulating of ‘trials and sorrows’, but it seems clear from the slowly affection and respect Show more
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