Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Rett syndrome affecting Considering the similar phenotypes caused by mutations in MECP2 and females CDKL5, it has been suggested that the two genes play and a role in common pathogenic processes. We show here that characterized CDKL5 is a nuclear protein whose expression in the nervous by system overlaps with Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: UHRF1 plays during in a very distinct fashion and exert different impacts on DNA DNMT1 enzymatic activity. We further show that the UHRF1 UBL-mediated replication. interaction between UHRF1 and DNMT1, and the binding of DNMT1 The to ubiquitinated histone H3 that is catalyzed by UHRF1 RING UHRF1 domain are critical Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: MeCP2 is proteins family of the WAP (whey acidic protein) proteins, often functioning able as a protease inhibitor. Therefore, we asked whether the p20 to can influence the MeCP2 half-life. We demonstrate that, indeed, the repress xp20 not only can significantly increase the stability of an transcription exogenously expressed MeCP2 Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Not available
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