Publication Year: 1999
Abstract: Females of two in this case, all descendant species possess unusually elaborate spermathecae. kinds Data further indicate that the seminal receptacle is the primary of sperm-storage organ in Drosophila. This organ exhibits a pattern of sperm-storage strong correlated evolution with the length of sperm. The evolution organs: of multiple kinds Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Internal fertilization reptiles, in addition, some turtles possess Ssts in the adjacent segment and of the oviduct, the uterus. Squamates lack albumen-secreting glands, and viviparity the ancestral state is possession of Ssts in the posterior has infundibulum (uterine tube). Secondarily, iguanids have evolved vaginal Ssts. In evolved this paper, we Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Sperm swimming and paternity (a proxy for the risk of sperm competition) and sperm negatively associated with clutch size (a proxy for the duration competitiveness. of female sperm storage). Sperm swimming speed was unrelated to Despite sperm length, although sperm length also increased with the frequency its of extrapair paternity. Show more
Publication Year: 1999
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: The three Urodela. condition, sperm storage occurs in cloacal glands called spermathecae, and Although their possession is a synapomorphy for females in the suborder all Salamandroidea (seven families). Salamandroids are the only vertebrates with cloacal gymnophionans sperm storage glands. In this paper, a phenetic analysis of apparently variation in spermathecal Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Female animals body--in and able to maintain sperm viable for several years. We some identified over a hundred proteins representing the major constituents of species the spermathecal fluid, which females contribute to sperm in storage. even We found that the gel profile of proteins from spermathecal for fluid is very Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Female sperm many storage as well as the rates of sperm accumulation and animals. release from the SSOs in the presence or absence of In Acp36DE. Acp36DE accelerates sperm accumulation into storage but does not insects, mediate the entry of the first sperm into storage. This female finding also demonstrates Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Abstract Odonates the current hypotheses on conflict between the sexes; and (4) to males illuminate topics for further research. Four copulatory mechanisms are described: to sperm removal (physical withdrawal of stored sperm), sperm repositioning (‘pushing’ displace of rival sperm to sites where its use will be sperm least likely), female Show more
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: Females of of not appear to associate tightly with sperm. Acp29AB is a time, predicted lectin, suggesting that sugar-protein interactions may be important for ranging D. melanogaster sperm storage, much as they are in many from mammals. Previous association studies have found an effect of Acp29AB a genotype on a Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Female sperm It TA to OA, respectively. Postmating uterine conformational changes, which are is associated with sperm entry and accumulation into storage, were unaffected important by the absence of either TA or OA. However, sperm for release from storage requires both TA and OA; sperm were extended retained in storage Show more
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: The presence as associated with the occurrence of love darts or other kinds an of auxiliary copulatory organs, the presence of a long penial important flagellum, and cross-fertilization as the predominant mating system. However, our factor results also suggest associations of carrefour complexity with body size, influencing reproductive strategy (semelparity Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Variation in in four compartments, revealing striking hidden genetic variation for the polymorphism. reproductive Systematic genetic differentiation in growth rate and spermathecal number along isolation latitude, and phenotypic covariance between the traits across temperature treatments by suggest that the genetic architecture underlying the polymorphism is shaped affecting by selection on Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: All animals However, sperm death did not appear to result from a reproductive-immune little system trade-off, considering that sperm survived 24 h in vitro is once removed from their somatic resources. Instead, our results are known most consistent with death owing to immune effector collateral damage. regarding We also examined Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: The Shiner mode extraordinarily high incidences of multiple paternity in this species probably and are due in part to high rates of mate encounter, long-term but selection pressures related to the avoidance of maternal-fetal incompatibility female may further have promoted the evolution of polyandrous mating behaviors sperm in this female-pregnant Show more
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