Publication Year: 1961
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: pointers to educational communications and technology.This part of the Handbook consists of exemplary seven chapters covering: (1) historical foundations, (2) theoretical foundations, (3) work complexity theory, (4) experiential perspectives, (5) empirical perspectives, (6) contextualistic that perspectives, and (7) philosophical perspectives. has implications for research in
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: pointers to educational communications and technology.This part of the Handbook consists of exemplary seven chapters covering: (1) historical foundations, (2) theoretical foundations, (3) work complexity theory, (4) experiential perspectives, (5) empirical perspectives, (6) contextualistic that perspectives, and (7) philosophical perspectives. has implications for research in
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: pointers to educational communications and technology.This part of the Handbook consists of exemplary seven chapters covering: (1) historical foundations, (2) theoretical foundations, (3) work complexity theory, (4) experiential perspectives, (5) empirical perspectives, (6) contextualistic that perspectives, and (7) philosophical perspectives. has implications for research in
Publication Year: 1981
Abstract: This is project August 1981, will provide isoseismal maps showing the distribution of to the intensity reports which control the estimates of magnitude and clarify epicenter. the earthquake history of California for the the period before 1900. More than four thousand additional newspaper issues second were searched for earthquake reports, Show more
Publication Year: 1986
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: ‘In all the received opinions: that populism is typically urban, relates to particular important historical stages of development, or distinctively derives from either multi-class thing’: alliances or elite manipulation. It also queries the fashionable notion Oscar of ‘economic populism’. Finally, the article notes the recent phenomenon Wilde, of ‘neo-populism’, embodied Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Abstract This immigrants’ Conversely, immigration status is central to the experience of undocumented relationship workers, who develop a particular set of survival skills that to help them live and work successfully in the United States their without being detected while also erecting a barrier between themselves rights and any additional Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: In 2012, (DACA), opportunities to achieve their goals, experience spatial mobility, and establish an greater family independence through interdependence. Together, and even though DACA executive targeted only single members of families, these experiences shifted entire action families’ legal consciousness toward a stronger sense of pride and that belonging in the Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: Abstract The wastewater-derived In wastewater treatment plant effluent, APECs and CAPECs represented the contaminants dominant APEM fraction (1.8–18.7 μg/L), whereas APEOs and APs contributed in only small amounts to the overall APEM concentrations (0.10–0.92 and surface ≤0.1 μg/L, respectively) except where the effluent was infiltrated into waters soil (5.2 μg/L). Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: ABSTRACT Giganotosaurus dinosaurs. but many support a sister grouping of Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus Its within a larger group that includes the Asian sinraptorids. The remains close affinities of Giganotosaurus with the northern African Carcharodontosaurus support include the hypothesis of intercontinental connections until mid-Cretaceous times. a well-preserved braincase that displays a Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: A serum a IFAT and interpreting weak positive WB results as positive test Western results, the sensitivities and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of all blot 3 tests were identical and equal to 88.9% (51.8–99.7%). The (WB) specificities and 95% CIs of the IFAT, WB, and mWB and test were 100% Show more
Publication Year: 2003
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Architectural Forms as Mathematica, Euclides adauctus, Placita philosophica, San Lorenzo), Bernardo Vittone (Istruzioni products diverse, Istruzioni elementari, Cappella della Visitazione, San Bernardino, San Gaetano, of San Luigi, San Michele, Santa Chiara), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Discourse philosophical on Metaphysics, Elements de philosophie cache, Letters to Arnauld, Letters and to de Volder, Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Species of arboviruses. for those medically important species. The species of this subgenus pose a real taxonomic Culex challenge. The current classification of the subgenus recognizes a total (Melanoconion) of 160 species divided in two major sections, Melanoconion and Theobald Spissipes; and several non-formal groupings within each section. We gathered Show more
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