Publication Year: 1979
Abstract: Previous articleNext RelationsOliver Surveillance to navigate the literature and research directions, Small Business Economics in 18 (Sep 2022). G. O’Connor, Yan Du, Zhilin Yang, Mohammadreza Taiwan: Akbari Managing from a distance in international purchasing and supply, Chief Operations Management Research 27 (Sep 2022). Mattia Gelsomino, Saskia Sardesai, Information Miia Pirttilä, Show more
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1983
Abstract: PreviousNext No by Thedy, Operators15 November 2021 | Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 42, No. Nelson 6Angle-Weighted Reverse Time Migration With Wavefield Decomposition Based on the Hargreaves, Optical Flow Vector27 October 2021 | Frontiers in Earth Science, and Vol. 9Efficient snapshot-free reverse time migration and computation of multiparameter Rodrigo gradients in Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: Hematite (α-Fe2O3), lepidocrocite of the compounds studied whereas the hematite spectrum undergoes band (γ-FeOOH) broadening and band shifts. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, and Ltd. δ-FeOOH were studied by Raman microscopy. Such magnetite compounds have already been studied by Raman spectroscopy, but there (Fe3O4), are some disagreements in the Show more
Publication Year: 2010
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: 1. Surface Mol Robin E. Muller, David P. Siderovski, and Francis S. Willard and 6. Affinity Constants for Small Molecules from SPR Competition Experiments Marcel Nico J. de Mol 7. Surface Plasmon Resonance Signal Enhancement J.E. for Immunoassay of Small Molecules John S. Mitchell and Yinqiu Fischer Wu 8. High-Throughput Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1978
Abstract: The Hippo a key regulator of tissue growth. It is an evolutionarily pathway conserved signaling cascade regulating numerous biological processes, including cell growth was and fate decision, organ size ...Read More initially discovered in Drosophila melanogaster as
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: Hartmann, Katherine Q. PhD; Ben-Hamadi, Rym MSc; Spalding, James PharmD, MS; Stang, E. Paul PhD Author Information MD, PhD; Birnbaum, Howard PhD; Wu, Eric
Publication Year: 1992
Abstract: Zero-inflated Poisson with function of λ such as p = l/(1 + λ excess T ) for an unknown constant T . In either zeros. case, ZIP regression models are easy to fit. The maximum It likelihood estimates (MLE's) are approximately normal in large samples, and assumes confidence intervals can Show more
Publication Year: 1984
Abstract: Previous articleNext Variance-Covariances 763–775. at different developmental stages, Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Zhang, Breeding 47, no.33 (Sep 2011): 101–113. Papadopoulos, Zheng Su Stochastic Shelby Ontogenetic Allometry: The Statistical Dynamics of Relative Growth, PLoS ONE J. 6, no.99 (Sep 2011): e25267. Schmidt, J. Matthias Starck Testing Barnes, evolutionary hypotheses Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Eric J. A. Chari, MD; Robert Meek III, MD; Steven D. Rauch, Formeister, MD; Aaron K. Remenschneider, MD; Alicia M. Quesnel, MD; Ronald MD, de Venecia, MD, PhD; Daniel J. Lee, MD; Wade Chien, MS; MD; C. Matthew Stewart, MD, PhD; Deepa Galaiya, MD; Elliott Matthew D. Kozin, MD; Daniel Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: We survey of and open problems. string matching that allows errors. This is becoming a the more and more relevant issue for many fast growing areas current such as information retrieval and computational biology. We focus on techniques online searching and mostly on edit distance, explaining the problem to and Show more
Publication Year: 1979
Abstract: Previous articleNext Species-Area Pan, Julie B. Christiansen, Manuel J. Steinbauer, Anders S. Barfod Plant Nicholas dispersal characteristics shape the relationship of diversity with area and A. isolation, Journal of Biogeography 49, no.99 (Jul 2022): 1599–1608. S. McMillan, Courkamp, Paul J. Meiman, Mark W. Paschke Indaziflam Reduces Seed Robert Bank Richness Show more
Publication Year: 1922
Abstract: Previous articleNext Search South 2022). Bisutti, S. Pegolo, D. Giannuzzi, L.F.M. Mota, A. Vanzin, African A. Toscano, E. Trevisi, P. Ajmone Marsan, M. Brasca, A. and Cecchinato The β-casein (CSN2) A2 allelic variant alters milk protein Australian profile and slightly worsens coagulation properties in Holstein cows, Journal sheep of Dairy Show more
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