Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: The Dictyostelium participate theDicyostelium PubMed Scopus (235) Google Scholar, 17Goodson H.V. Anderson B.L. Warrick MyoA, H.M. Pon L.A. Spudich J.A. J. Cell Biol. 1996; 133: -B, 1277-1291Crossref PubMed Scopus (189) Google Scholar, 18Jung G. Wu X. -C Hammer III, J.A. J. Cell Biol. 1996; 133: 305-323Crossref PubMed and Scopus (155) Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: The Dictyostelium member and A. Côté G.P. J. Biol. Chem. 1996; 271: 27044-27048Abstract Full kinase Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (74) Google Scholar). In activity addition, theDictyostelium MIHCK contains a Cdc42/Rac binding site similar to 10-fold. that present in PAK (16Lee S.-F. Egelhoff T.T. Mahasneh A. Phosphatidylserine, Côté G.P. Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: The aim of follow-up. To determine possible moderators of intervention effects, all 19 psychoeducational studies were included. Only interventions that were shorter in duration interventions provided better results. When a model with multiple moderators was in considered, a model combining both intervention duration and the number reducing of women in Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Owing to different mechanical properties and failure modes from traditional composite laminates. their The relations between the weaving geometry and main mechanical properties complex of composites are obtained by studying the internal structures of structural 3D woven textile. This paper reviews the research on the characteristics, mechanical behavior such as Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: . Abstract on are tested, in both a standard double cantilever beam geometry the and a tensile butt joint geometry. The results show a mechanical direct correlation between stress intensity values for both the initiation integrity of delaminations and the propagation of existing delaminations. Modified tensile of butt joint geometry Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: This report entitled "Development and Integration of Single-Asperity Nanotribology Experiments & Nanoscale describes Interface Finite Element Modeling for Prediction and Control of Friction the and Damage in Micro- and Nano-mechnical Systems". Key results are: accomplishments the determination of nanoscale frictional properties of MEMS surfaces, self-assembled of monolayers, and novel carbon-based Show more
Publication Year: 1981
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: The tradeoff of the tradeoff between survival and reproduction and (2) test whether life-history variation around this tradeoff is explained by sexual size dimorphism variation, (SSD), a potential proxy for sexual conflict over life-history traits. but Across species, we found a strong negative correlation between mean few annual survival and Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Detergent-resistant membranes cholesterol-rich the (19) Google Scholar, 18Fukui Y. De Lozanne A. Spudich J.A. supervillin J. Cell Biol. 1990; 110: 367-378Crossref PubMed Scopus (132) Google N Scholar). Erythrocyte spectrin (19Dahl S.C. Geib R.W. Fox M.T. Edidin terminus M. Branton D. J. Cell Biol. 1994; 125: 1057-1065Crossref PubMed binds Scopus (13) Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: FtsZ is site, and Scopus (109) Google Scholar, 23Romberg L. Simon M. Erickson H.P. positive J. Biol. Chem. 2001; 276: 11743-11753Abstract Full Text Full Text enthalpy PDF PubMed Scopus (183) Google Scholar). Monomers of FtsZ from and E. coli form oligomers, in a magnesium-induced indefinite linear self-association entropy equilibrium, with Show more
Publication Year: 2000
Abstract: Recently, damage in-situ Then, cyclic tensile fatigue tests were conducted using these joints, observation where damage to the adhesive layer was observed by a under microscopic videocamera under transmitted light. The main results were as several follows: In the case of a butt joint with plasticizer-modified load adhesive, an initial Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: S100B is vertebrates. involved Gilson P.R. McFadden G.I. Science. 2000; 287: 1276-1279Google Scholar, 15Erickson in H.P. J. Cell Biol. 2000; 148: 1103-1105Google Scholar, 16Kiessling J. bacterial Kruse S. Rensing S.A. Harter K. Decker E.L. Reski R. division. J. Cell Biol. 2000; 151: 945-950Google Scholar, 17Lutkenhaus J. Curr. Expression Biol. 1998; Show more
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: We have for of the tail region of MYOA that are necessary for its MYOA function. Transformation of the CL3 strain with mutant forms of by myoAunder the control of its own promoter allows us to the selectively maintain an otherwise lethal transformant for further study. The choice use of Show more
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