Publication Year: 1992
Abstract: ADVERTISEMENT RETURN bis(cyclopentadienyl)titanium(III) to the last few days.Citations are the number of other dinuclear articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily. compounds Find more information about Crossref citation counts.The Altmetric Attention Score with is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research short article has received Show more
Publication Year: 1987
Abstract: ADVERTISEMENT RETURN frozen daily. Find more information about Crossref citation counts.The Altmetric Attention solutions Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a of research article has received online. Clicking on the donut icon [(.eta.5-C5H5)Ti(.eta.8-C8H8)] will load a page at with additional details about and the score and Show more
Publication Year: 2005
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE BIOGENICITY. A. Skrzypczak, S. Derenne, L. Binet, D. Gourier, F. AND Robert . 1 Laboratoire de Chimie Organique et Bioorganique Physique, PYROLYSIS ENSCP, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75231 Paris cedex GC-MS, 05, France (, 2 Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquee de TOOLS l’Etat Solide, ENSCP, 11 Show more
Publication Year: 2007
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: ORGANIC MATTER Delpoux, 05, France), Laboratoire d’etude de la Matiere Extraterrestre, Museum National D. d’Histoire Naturelle (61 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France). Gourier, H. Vezin, L. Binet, S. Derenne and OF F. Robert CNRS UMR 7574, Laboratoire de Chimie de la ORGUEIL Matiere Condensee de Paris, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Show more
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: ZnGa2O4:Cr3+ presents bioimaging. one of them being first cationic neighbor to CrN2. We It propose that the driving force for charge separation in the is excited states of chromium is the local electric field created a by the neighboring pair of antisite defects. The cluster of bright defects formed by Show more
Publication Year: 1993
Abstract: We study gallium on the electron spins was found to be bistable, which oxide causes a hysteresis of the resonance line. In this work \ensuremath{\beta}-${\mathrm{Ga}}_{2}$${\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ we demonstrate that hysteresis can be theoretically produced by three by different control parameters: the external magnetic field ${\mathit{B}}_{0}$, the microwave electron-paramagnetic-resonance frequency \ensuremath{\nu}, and Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Single crystals 0) the two crystal orientations. Using calculations from displacement cross sections or by elastic collisions, these results are consistent with a very (1 large threshold displacement energy (200 eV) for oxygen atoms at 1 room temperature. A third very broad band centered at 3.7 0) eV might be Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: The hollandite waste transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at 298 and 573 K. Complete form amorphization was achieved at doses of 1.1 × 1014 and for 1.8 × 1014 Gy at temperatures of 298 and 573 the K, respectively. Electron energyloss spectroscopy (EELS) of the Cs M-edge incorporation revealed the selective Show more
Publication Year: 1998
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2004
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Crystalline mesoporous and direct correlation between the observed chemical shift and the alumina various pore diameter was obtained for the whole series of alumina surface samples. areas (70 to 330 m2/g) were characterized γ-, by 129Xe NMR spectroscopy and nitrogen adsorption. Experimental conditions have δ-, been optimized to measure 129Xe Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: Copper acetate in complex and on the binding oil. The effect of light which is investigated by illuminating the films at ∼410 nm in metal the bridging ligand-to-metal charge transfer (LMCT) transition. The photodarkening manifests atoms itself as the appearance of an optical absorption band around are 22 000 cm–1 Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: Le développement d’ions appliquées aux problématiques patrimoniales est au cœur de l’activité de de l’équipe AGLAE. Le projet New AGLAE a pour objectif l’instrument de mettre à disposition des chercheurs une ligne de faisceau et automatisée et en fonctionnement jour et nuit, ainsi qu’un nouveau des système de détection PIXE, Show more
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: La luminescence stocker charge par le soleil par exemple), ou le passage aux une nouvelles lampes d’eclairage ne contenant plus d’UV (LED blanches). energie Le doctorant etudiera deux types de matrices : lumineuse i) Des ceramiques transparentes dans lesquelles sont precipitees des nanoparticules de materiaux a luminescence persistante. Il sera Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: The magnetic pronounced the overdamped motion of the spin system in a bistable hysteresis potential. with distorted line shapes. These features are quantitatively resonance accounted for by considering the intrinsically bistable character of the of dynamic nuclear polarization due to the Overhauser effect. The gross conduction features of the resonance, Show more
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