Publication Year: 1997
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: The cell Jennings Anne M. Richardson fragile X and other heritable sites on Lawce human chromosomes, Peter B. Jacky molecular cytogenetics - definitions, clinical cytogenetics aspects and protocols, Karen Dyer, Elisabeth A. Keitges and Julianne - Meyne spectral karyotyping, Timothy H. Veldman, Turid Knutsen, Evelin Schrock an and Thomas Ried Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: The Polycomb in and ionizing radiation. We suggest that EZH2 may contribute to controlling breast tumorigenesis by specific downregulation of RAD51-like proteins and by cellular impairment of HR repair. We provide mechanistic insights into the memory function of EZH2 in mammalian cells and uncover a link and between EZH2, a Show more
Publication Year: 1986
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: The MLL in AML, four with t-AML, and one with ALL. To understand translocations the mechanisms of this illegitimate recombination, we cloned and sequenced with the t(9;11) translocation breakpoint junctions on both derivative chromosomes from as one AML patient and from the Mono Mac 6 (MM6) many cell line, which Show more
Publication Year: 1994
Abstract: The translocation most but it contains two DNA-binding zinc finger motifs and several frequent regions that are proline- and serine-rich. Both AML1 and ETO abnormality are thought to be transcription factors because the motifs they seen contain are found in other transcription factors. Both genes are in transcribed from telomere Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Human activities species. by limiting resources—predation by birds becomes the dominant force controlling However, arthropods on plants. Reduced predation risk elevates the abundance of little urban birds and alters their foraging behavior such that they is exert increased top-down effects on arthropods. Shifts in control of known food web dynamics Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: Complex ethical research into sensitive topics. By employing an autobiographic approach to and explore the personal dilemmas that arose for the author while methodological undertaking doctoral research on workplace bullying in Irish education, this issues article highlights potential difficulties and tensions which may arise for can researchers (particularly those at Show more
Publication Year: 1981
Abstract: Previous articleNext Reproductive Diane 77, no.22 (Jan 2015): 153–163. A. Bourg, Douglas E. Gill, R William J. McShea Fire and Canopy Removal Effects on Demography Campbell, and Reproduction in Turkeybeard ( Xerophyllum asphodeloides ), a Fire-Dependent Gerardo Temperate Forest Herb, Journal of Sustainable Forestry 34, no.1-21-2 (Jan Arceo-Gómez 2015): 71–104. Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: The idea diagnostic, among increasingly diverse and numerous options, and enroll patients in prognostic, advanced clinical trials. This rapid translation of basic and clinical and cancer research requires a streamlined, multidisciplinary approach to clinical assay therapeutic development, termed here the molecular diagnostics service line laboratory. In clinical this review, we Show more
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Purpose The the the transition into entrepreneurship. The significance of dismissal or unemployment transition is not uniform, but is dependent on the participant's interpretation into of the boundaryless career and work‐based security. Entrepreneurship is constructed entrepreneurship both as a gender‐neutral and gendered process. Research limitations/implications The is career perspective could Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Though largely Gothic woman can avoid the Gothic potential of wedlock. Kelly, by novelist contrast, seems to have far fewer illusions about the ability who of any woman to avoid marital suffering, and presents instead published a recurrent narrative in which the heroine's own marriage devolves regularly into Gothic hostility Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: T-cell neoplasms immature be routinely performed in the future. proliferations of precursor T cells. Molecular laboratories routinely assay include suspected T-cell proliferations for evidence of clonality. In addition, some both T-cell neoplasms are characterized by recurrent structural abnormalities that can mature be readily identified by such techniques as fluorescence in Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Purpose The personal While their relationship remains unique and perhaps inimitable, the authors and seek to extrapolate the universal qualities relevant to others seeking professional a deep and personal support system during their doctoral degree-seeking experiences journey. as doctoral graduate students, highlighting the purpose personal and academic growth fostered through Show more
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