Publication Year: 2009
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Dans le Zola recherche: celles de pantomime, de parodie, d'image et de fete. et Chacune de ces facettes va, a sa facon, permettre d'affirmer le ou de reaffirmer la predominance de l'exces, du corporel, du Naturalisme, visuel, inscrits au c ur d'une esthetique naturaliste foncierement moderne. le recueil intitule Naturalisme Show more
Publication Year: 1990
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Zola the containing the uncontainable, Philip Walker L'attente de fiction, Alain Pages novelist, Zola et le melodrama, Collete Becker conscious artistry and the David presentation of the persistent ideal, Joy Newton pour une poetique Baguley de l'espace romanesque, Henri Mitterand Roman de l'art et du Zola roman, Jean Pierre Leduc-Adine Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Journal Article His Regime: An Extravaganza. By David Baguley. Baton Rouge, La: Reviews Louisiana State University Press. 2000. xxii + 425 pp. £37.50. of ISBN 0 8071 2664 1. ROGER PRICE ROGER PRICE University Books of WalesAberystwyth Search for other works by this author on: Get Oxford Academic Google Scholar Show more
Publication Year: 1994
Abstract: Part 1 naturalist 3 Texts: on monstrous birth - Leopoldo Alas's La Regenta, text Noel Valis in the factory - description in Galdos, Peter and A. Bly Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks - the first and only the naturalist novel in Germany, Lilian Furst James's lady and Zola's problem whore - the Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Reverend Professor clinician, educator, and Church of England priest, died suddenly and David unexpectedly in Nottingham, UK on 11 June 2022, at the (Dave) age of 61 (Figure 1) [...] Mark Baguley, audiologist, hearing scientist, tinnitus
Publication Year: 1988
Abstract: Journal Article Edited by DAVID BAGULEY. Boston, Mass: G. K. Hall. 1986. REVIEWS viii + 198 pp. $35.00. ‘Les Rougon-Macquart’ d'Émile Zola: de Get la métaphore au mythe. By MAARTEN VAN BUUREN. Paris: Corti. access 1986. 296 pp. 125 F. ROBERT LETHBRIDGE ROBERT LETHBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE Critical Search for other works Show more
Publication Year: 2011
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: On ne à pitoyable jusqu'aux inventions satiriques et parodiques les plus outrées. La « fiction naturaliste n'apparaît plus alors comme le simple miroir de l'école la réalité ; elle mobilise les stratégies de l'art réaliste de pour aboutir à une littérature active, « performative », qui Médan provoque, émeut, scandalise, Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: The Editorial community was instrumental in championing changes to the service delivery of are audiologic care. His work in the field of audiology continues mourning to significantly influence the evaluation and treatment of patients who the are suffering from tinnitus and decreased sound tolerance. Clinicians use loss his research to Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2014
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2001
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: List of Gray). loss in children and adults (Will Hellier). 10. Acquired sensorineural Preface hearing loss (Martin Burton). 11. Genetics causes of hearing and (John balance disorders (Henry Pau and Sarah Healy). 12. The causes, Graham identification and confirmation of sensorineural hearing loss in children (Shakeel and Saeed, Rachel Booth, Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Journal Article (Mélanges en l'honneur de David Baguley) Get access Naturalisme et Naturalisme excès visuels: pantomime, parodie, image, fête (Mélanges en l'honneur de et David Baguley). Edited by Catherine Dousteyssier-Khoze and Edward Welch. Newcastle excès upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. xii + 158 pp. visuels: Pb £24.99. Bradley Stephens Show more
Publication Year: 1987
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2002
Abstract: Not available
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