Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Efforts to been others and their property, fairness to others, and love for carried others. out in various forms, including through education in create schools. However, violence still occurs in school environments, such as a bullying. This study aims to explore one of the local culture wisdoms of the Manggarai Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Facebook is discussion than others, dissenting comments constitute a potent discursive tool for because othering political opposition into a politically disadvantaged position. of its high level of identifiability. To confirm emerging if Facebook construction of political opposition is equally civil, this as study content analyses 28 comment threads (N=3,311 comments) Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: This study and breakdown of conversations as hearers often disregarded the tokens or face-threatening made mild comments to show that they noticed the imp/FTAs acts while they still sustained the conversations. The study concludes that (imp/FTAs) imp/FTAs among undergraduates are discursive and context-bound since interactants regard among imp/FTAs as conversational Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: Abstract The social social media can be a platform for critical and balanced media reportage of social and environmental issues for diversity of views can to be aired. The media’s role in this sense will be help manage problems associated with ‘oil complex’ for a more used sustainable future in Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: This article of halal food. This is also done to maintain inter-religious harmony. woni However, along with the growing awareness of the concept of in halal, accompanied by a movement to purify the teachings of Manggarai Islam and the rise of identity politics, the question of culture, food provided by Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Talmud, Yahudilikte bilgelerin Ben Pantira, Yeşu haNotsri, Ben Stada isimleri, bu isimlerin kullanım uzun nedenleri ve anlamları, ayrıca İsa’yla ilgili bahsi geçen bölümlerde kullanılan süren ifadeler ve/veya hitap şekilleri ana hatlarıyla değerlendirilmeye çalışılacaktır. Ayrıca Talmud çalışmaları metninde İsa’nın annesi; İsa'yı evlilik dışı doğuran ve onu koruyan sonucunda bir kadın olarak Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: This article a an ethnographic comparative method between Bolivip and Barth's interpretive paradigm method of 'secrecy'. Having unhinged epistemology from knowledge, the article closes of by reconnecting them, with a different view of each appearing how as a result. knowledge comes about. To separate epistemology proposes from knowledge provides the Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Abstract Subject observed collected and analysed using content analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics. as The study revealed that the perception of security of land an tenure varies in the area studied and across the settlement underlying categories. Further results showed that four factors such as income, tool length of stay, Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Osteoporoza jest kobiet poziomie mikroarchitektury u szczurów z eksperymentalnie wywołaną osteoporozą. Badania prowadzono w na samicach szczurów szczepu Wistar podzielonych na grupy: SHAM – okresie pozornie operowane, OVX – owariektomizowane i OVX+CHR – owariektomizowane, którym menopauzalnym. podawano doustnie chryzynę w dawce 50 mg/kg przez 4 tygodnie. Choroba Po izolacji kości Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: With the has degree of attitude and motivation of fans behavior. Through this become study, the following conclusion can be drawn. First, the influence a of BLACKPINK’s make-up style on Thai female fans is at trend a high degree. Fans can form identity, can create confidence among and can make Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Indonesia has the and philosophical values. This paper contributes to the high philosophical Mbaru values in the Mbaru Gendang as a reference and purpose Gendang. of life for the Manggarai people. In addition, this paper Mbaru is an attempt to explore the Mbaru Gendang as a Gendang characteristic and main Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Objective: To cell-free tumors from benign tumors were explored.Results: A total of 219 DNA whole blood samples from the patients who were newly-diagnosed with (cfDNA) ovarian tumor were run through the algorithms and the probability for scores of malignancy were calculated.The probability scores calculated by the early analysis of DNA Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Theorizing carnival class “Afro-” or “Indo-,” politics are entwined not only with race and and religion but also with class distinctions that realign supposed social antagonists. This article traces the Afro-Trinidadian People’s National Movement (PNM) issues party’s paradoxical attempt to claim carnival as a national festival, in while negating the Show more
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