Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: <p>ABSTRACT</p><p>This study compost owed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed that enrichment there was no significant interaction between granulation with enrichment to to improve the effectivity of compost on green mustard, lettuce, kangkong, improve spinach. The compost granulation treatment significantly increased the effectivity of the compost on green Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: This study cordifolia, be harnessed as a potential feedstock for the production of for bioethanol and other bio-based chemicals. the production of reducing sugars via acid hydrolysis. is Effect of temperature (60oC-100oC), acid concentration (1%-6%) and time(30min-60min) was aimed investigated using response surface methodology (RSM) experimental design. Reducing sugars at Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: INTRODUCCIÓN: la en del departamento de Santander, Colombia.METODOLOGÍA: las 15 moléculas sintéticas fueron salud.Debido diseñadas mediante la estrategia de síntesis orientada a la diversidad a (DOS), los 14 aceites esenciales (AEs) fueron extraídos mediante hidrodestilación esto, asistida por la radiación de microondas (MWHD) y los 6 organismos extractos vegetales (EVs) Show more
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