Publication Year: 1996
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: B.D. Ratner, Engineering--Properties T.A. Horbett, Proteins: Structure, Properties, and Adsorption to Surfaces. J.M. of Schakenraad, Cells: Their Surfaces and Interactions with Materials. F.J. Schoen, Materials: Tissues. Host Reactions to Biomaterials and Their Evaluations: F.J. Schoen, J.E. Introduction. J.M. Anderson, Inflammation, Wound Healing, and the Foreign Body Lemons, Response. R.J. Johnson, Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Residue Analyses: of Lead Residues in Birds Other Than Waterfowl, J.C. Franson Lead Contaminants in Mammals, W.-C. Ma Toxicological Significance of Mercury in Freshwater to Fish, J.G. Wiener and D.J. Spry Mercury in Birds and Wildlife, Terrestrial Mammals, D.R. Thompson Metals in Marine Mammals, R.J. Law J.O. Cadmium in Small Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Phosphorylation of 2 Biol. 9:4196–4203; Lord K.A., B. Hoffman-Lieberman, and D.A. Lieberman. 1990. (eIF2α) Nucleic Acid Res. 18:2823), was isolated and found to attenuate on CHOP (also known as GADD153) activation by both protein malfolding serine in the endoplasmic reticulum, and amino acid deprivation. Despite normal 51 activity of the Show more
Publication Year: 2012
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: A. Brief, Introduction. Revealing Themes: Applying a Positive Lens to the Chapters on J. Change Agency. Part 3. Environment and Sustainability. A.J. Hoffman, K.K. Dutton, Badiane, N. Haigh, Hybrid Organizations as Agents of Positive Social K. Change: Bridging the For-Profit and Non-profit Divide. D. Riddell, O. Golden-Biddle, Tjornbo, F. Westley, Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: GADD45, MyD118, a (PCNA), factor-β1-induced apoptosis. On the other hand, GADD45, but not MyD118 a or CR6, was identified as target for p53 function (14Selvakumaran protein M. Lin H.K. Sjin R.T. Reed J.C. Liebermann D.A. Hoffman that B. Mol. Cell. Biol. 1994; 14: 2352-2360Crossref PubMed Google Scholar, plays 15Guillouf C. Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Contents: M.J. on J. Turns, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Engineering: The Challenge of Designing Scaling-Up Assessment. P.M. Sadler, R. Gould, K. Brecher, B. Hoffman, the Asstronomical Experiences Using Internet-Accessible Remote Instumentation. B. Means, E. Coleman, Technologies Technology Supports for Student Participation in Science Investigations. B.Y. White, of J.R. Frederiksen, Technological Show more
Publication Year: 2011
Abstract: Abstract This the for the partitioning of graphs. IBM J. Res. Develop. 17 graph (1973), pp. 420–425] and the projected semidefinite lower bound from partitioning Wolkowicz and Zhao [H. Wolkowicz and Q. Zhao, Semidefinite programming problem relaxations for the graph partitioning problem. Discrete Appl. Math. 96–97 and (1999), pp. 461–479]. Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: General Principles: Water Using Artificial Wetlands: A Gravel Marsh Case Study (R.M. Gersberg, Purifiers? S.R. Lyon, R. Brenner, and B.V. Elkins). Sewage Treatment by (D.A. Reed Bed Systems: The Present Situation in the United Kingdom Hammer (P.F. Cooper and J.A. Hobson). Aquatic Plant/Microbial Filters for Treating and Septic Tank Effluent Show more
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: In this q-distance in part the results obtained by Bapat et al. [R.B.Bapat, matrix S. Kirkland and M. Neumann, On distance matrices and Laplacians, D Linear Algebra Appl.401 (2005) 193-209].In particular, as a consequence, determinantal q formulae of q-distance matrices for unicyclic graphs and one class (T of bicyclic graphs Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1974
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1987
Abstract: Journal Article genomic for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed clone Google Scholar B.G. Forget B.G. Forget 2Department of Internal Medicine, Get Yale University School of MedicineNew Haven, CT, USA Search for access other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google N. Scholar Nucleic Acids Show more
Publication Year: 1961
Abstract: In 1954 if A is an n-square complex matrix with eigenvalues λ A.J. = (λ 1 , …, λ n ) and P Hoffman is a permutation matrix for which αA + βA* has and eigenvalues for some αβ ≠ 0 then A is normal. O. Here is the conjugate Show more
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: The present author's more general setting of linearly ordered groups and rings. It contributions also shed a new light on convex programming. on the relations between graph theory and linear publication algebra. A system of axioms introduced by Ghouila-Houri allows one is to generalize to an arbitrary Abelian group the Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: The tumor on occur 16: 245-256Crossref PubMed Scopus (922) Google Scholar,65Liu N. Lucibello F.C. independently Engeland K. Muller R. Oncogene. 1998; 16: 2957-2963Crossref PubMed Scopus of (72) Google ScholarCDC25C45Manni I. Mazzaro G. Gurtner A. Mantovani R. apoptosis. Haugwitz U. Krause K. Engeland K. Sacchi A. Soddu S. In Piaggio G. Show more
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